Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rainy Day Pick-Me-Up

A video to demonstrate that:

A. Benjamin is the cutest baby on the planet.

B. Benjamin is a genius. (He sees the toy.  He reaches for the toy.  He grabs the toy.  He "talks" to the toy.  Clearly he is a genius). 

C.  Benjamin is the cutest baby on the planet. It deserves two spots on this list.

And in case you are currently experiencing the same cold, rainy weather that we are, here is another video that might brighten your day.  If not, then I can't help you.

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Yea! Love the cute videos! Very much needed on this dismal day here... we're expecting 4-6 inches of snow by tomorrow. Really?! I thought it was spring...