Friday, March 18, 2011

Fun Friday Photos


Hello, sunshine - so nice to see you! I hope you'll consider staying awhile...
Yes, that's me trying to be all artistic with the camera - I love the trees! And I love the sunshine - spring is definitely in the air.  It's rather hard to believe that just a week ago we were getting buried in a foot of snow!  Today I have the windows open.  

The boys are pretty excited, too.

It was a pretty quiet week around here.  We spent most of our time doing schoolwork and watching all of the snow melt.  I feel like I'm trying to make up for lost time because of the extended break we took from school after Benjamin was born.  I also keep reminding myself that this is why we home school in the first place (see previous post) - to enjoy the different seasons of life together as a family.  When I keep this in perspective then I'm able to relax a little about things like long division.

I mean, clearly the boys are doing just fine, right?  

They got a little crazy with the protective gear they wore while working on Pinewood Derby cars this week.  The sawdust was flying!  But the cars are ready (thank you honey!) and tonight's the big race.  You'll have to tune in next week for pictures. Yes, I'm going to keep you in suspense.

Meanwhile, Michael created a Lego scene depicting the derby...

I was impressed.  

Thomas created his own scene of people at a library using their computers.  I love his toothless smile.  

And did you notice the delicious new fabric up there?  I actually bought something for myself with the generous birthday gift from my in-laws (thank you!!).  It's a wonderful, laminated cotton fabric that I easily made into a tablecloth for my beautiful table.  We've all been enjoying meals and things together at the table more, now that I'm less likely to freak out about scratches and spillage.  I MAY have been a TAD overprotective of the table before.

But no more.  Now I enjoy the sight of it being used by my little guys.  They love it. 

I'm not afraid of you, markers and ink.  (Michael's masterpiece - isn't it cute?)

And speaking of things that are delicious and cute - Benjamin turned five months old this week.  FIVE months old?!?! It's a little hard to believe.  Michael took that picture of him grabbing the bananas and making the music play - he was really excited to catch him in the act.  They all love their baby brother so much - it makes my heart happy.  

 We went to our gym/playgroup this morning, which is sanity-saving for everyone - the boys get to run around with their friends and I get to converse with other grown-ups.  It's a nice group of moms and a nice group of kids - so it's a win-win. Next week is a scout meeting week and the boys will be learning to sew. Don't laugh - sewing is NOT just for girls.  I'll be helping out at the meeting, which excites me because I love to sew! I've already taught Michael some basic hand sewing and machine sewing skills - all the boys flock to the sewing table when they hear my machine running.  So I look forward to sharing more about that next week.

I hope that you had a great week and have some beautiful weather wherever you are - thanks for reading!

~ Dori



Ashley said...

Excited to hear about the sewing!!


Elizabeth said...

I LOVE the tablecloth! And the pics of the boys, of course! :)