Monday, March 28, 2011

Adventures in Solid Food

Today we combined the high chair, bib, spoon, rice cereal and baby for a much-anticipated event. I say "we" because it was a family affair - the boys were so excited to share in their baby brother's momentous voyage into eating solid foods.  We picked a day when daddy could join in on the fun, too.  Here are how things unfolded:

Happy, unsuspecting baby Benjamin...

Big brother picks out a bib...

He survived. Barely. Actually, he was a really good sport.  I'm pretty sure he didn't swallow any of it, but one step at a time.  

Happy Monday to you!

~ Dori


Elizabeth said...

That is hysterical!! Big fan of this post! That seems to be the way solid food introduction goes here, too. Actually, pretty much baby food in general. It doesn't seem preferable until the cheerios can be gummed. :)

I think he looks so much like Michael! Are their baby pics the most similar?

Mary said...

Way to go Benjamin!! You are such a good sport to let Mommy put that gooey stuff into your mouth and not blow it back at her! Grandpa is going to tell all of his freinds at work to check out the Lego Blog, so that they can see your debut in the art of eating.
Tell Mommy and Daddy that Grandma said thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
Grandma Mary