Saturday, March 31, 2012

Who Does He Look Like?

It's the inevitable question that people ask in regards to subsequent children, especially when you have kids of all the same gender. From the moment our babies are born, we engage in a lifelong game of, "Who Do They Most Look Like?" Because it changes over the years as they grow and change.

I recently thought it would be fun to find pictures of each of the boys at approximately the same age.

Can you figure out which face belongs to which boy?

Picture #1:

Picture #2:

Picture #3:

And Picture #4:

One thing is certain - they definitely look like brothers. 

Feel free to leave a comment making a guess! There's no prize or anything, I just thought it would be fun. 

~ Dori

1 comment:

Mary said...

Picture #1 is Michael
Picture #2 is Thomas
Picture #3 is Benjamin
Picture #4 is Matthew
And what an adorable family of brothers!
This opinion brought to you by Grandma Mary!