Friday, March 25, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

Happy Friday, once again!  Have you been in suspense all week over how the Pinewood Derby went?  Well, (drum roll, please)...

 Michael got fourth place (for the Wolves) and Thomas got third (for the Tigers)!  I could mention that there were only three Tigers.  But nevermind.

They had a great time and were very proud of their cars.  Michael decided to paint his shiny gold and attached some erector set pieces to it and Thomas made his resemble a milkbone (dog treat).  They definitely had the most creative cars!  And because they each placed in the top four they are eligible to move on to the district race coming up in April.  Very exciting.

Michael and Thomas also each received additional recognition and awards including their bobcat badges, science belt loops, astronomy belt loops and astronomy pins (they both LOVE science and space. Obviously). 

Matthew got to see one of his friends, too (he's also in our gym group).  I thought he'd love watching all the cars race, but he was more interested in eating pizza (and cookies!) and running around with the other little boys. 

This week was full of Cub Scout action since the boys also had their regular meeting. 

If you look closely, you'll see Thomas making his "I'm so embarrassed" face.  Most of the meeting was a sewing instruction where the boys learned how to make their own bean bags and how to hand sew patches onto their uniforms. 

The boys really enjoyed it.  Michael was already familiar with how to use a machine and how to hand sew, since it just so happens that it's something his mother loves to do (you know, in all my free time).  Both of them came away from the meeting with a desire to make more things, specifically more bean bags to throw around. 

I'm not sure they're too thrilled with the idea of sewing their own patches onto their uniforms, but it's definitely a useful skill to have.

In case you're wondering what Matthew and Benjamin did during the meeting (since I volunteered to stay and help)...

I know he looks rather pitiful sitting there all alone, but he was only actually like that for about ten minutes.  He spent the rest of the time playing with one of his friends. The sewing instructor was nice enough to make them each their own bean bags, too.  

Meanwhile, Benjamin did his usual charming of everyone he encounters...

After we got home from the meeting, the boys scurried off to spend time building things (they quickly begin experiencing withdrawal symptoms if they are away from legos and such for too long). A short time later Michael reappeared with this creation:

A bean bag tossing target contraption thingy!  And, per his request, here is a video of it in action...

Genius, right?

I think that does it for another photo filled Friday.  I hope you are all doing well and have a great weekend!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Congrats to the boys! They are learning some great skills. I bet they love the photo documentation of their events, even if the embarrassed face gets recorded! Thanks for the mid-day break!