Friday, March 4, 2011

Fun Photo Friday!

Happy March!  Is it Friday again already? This week went by rather fast. I'm not sure whether that's good or bad.  So I guess I'll just leave it at that.

Yes, that's a nursing pillow on my son's head. 

How was your week?  Ours started with a birthday - mine!  After my morning coffee and the hungry baby were brought to me in bed we all went out to breakfast.  We found a great place right around the corner that is our new favorite.  They have giant, scrumptious pancakes and flavored coffee creamers.  Need I say more? Also everyone there is incredibly happy and friendly - but not in a fake, annoying way.  It's like some kind of alternate universe of breakfast happiness.  We'll definitely be going back.

Later on, my husband took the boys to the movies, which they of course loved. They saw "Gnomeo and Juliet" in 3D.  It was their first 3D movie experience since being traumatized at a young age by the "A Bug's Life" attraction at Disney World.  Let's just say that whoever thought very small children would enjoy sitting in the dark while HUGE, LOUD bugs appear to be attacking them clearly does not have children of their own.  Fortunately, they have now had a positive 3D viewing experience - it was a cute movie.

Unfortunately, Benjamin did not get the message that during the time when everyone else was out he was supposed to take a nap.  Or, at the very least, entertain himself quietly.

But, that's okay, because once they returned from the movies, I fed the baby, threw him at passed him gently to my husband and ran out the door left the house for some much needed alone time.  A little Starbucks and bookstore browsing does wonders for restoring some semblance of sanity.

The boys also picked out some gifts at the dollar store for me.  It's always entertaining to see what they come up with.  That's Matthew with my purple flowers.  He still seems to think I'll kill them even though they aren't real.  My children definitely know me well.

Michael chose red flowers and also found a dancer figurine.  Very sweet.

Thomas was apparently convinced that I would love this dog figurine.  And of course I do, if only because it came from him. 

It was a lovey birthday that also included lots of chocolate, Chinese food takeout (after the kids were in bed, of course) and some sparkling wine.  Yes, you can have the occasional drink while still nursing a baby.  Don't judge me.  My birthday gift from my husband is two more chairs for my new dining set, once I take the time to pick some out.  I'm excited that we'll finally have a table and chairs to fit our whole family!

We spent the rest of the week laying low, just doing school work and things around the house.  A couple of us are fighting a cold, for one thing.  I still managed to catch the kids in action, of course.  For instance, this is what happens when I leave empty laundry baskets around:

Normally I have at least two of them full of clean, unfolded, clothes or clean and folded clothing that I'm far too lazy to put away.  So it's a rare occurrence that one of them is actually empty.  I once thought that the solution to that was getting more laundry baskets,  but that only resulted in even MORE baskets of clothing everywhere. 

Personally, I think this is a MUCH better use of laundry baskets! 

Baby Benjamin has also been busy.

He LOVES the curtains in his room and is always grabbing them and talking to them.  I don't think anyone has ever loved something that I sewed quite so much!  It warms my heart.  Of course I also worry that he's going to pull a little too hard and have the whole thing come down on top of him.  But that probably won't happen. 

He's also showing signs of teething.

Such as frequently sticking his ENTIRE hand in his mouth.  Also drooling a lot.  He's recently started blowing bubbles when he gets angry, which is pretty cute and something I will try and take a picture of for a future post.

Well, that was our week.  Feel free to comment and let me know what you've been up to! I hope you're all doing well and have a great weekend!

Today's post is brought to you by the letter "C."  A very sleepy letter "C." 

~ Dori


Kevin said...

I love the sleepy letter C.

Elizabeth said...

What a great birthday! It's all about the food! And the bookstore only makes it better. The gifts from the boys are so sweet and thoughtful.

I was a bit traumatized by the 3D Bug Show, myself! I hope we can talk soon!