Saturday, November 3, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up #3: Halloween Edition

 I think we've seen the sun for a total of five minutes all week. But, we are safe and sound and thankful to have things we take for granted, like electricity.  We did feel the effects of Hurricane (Superstorm - whatever it's officially called) Sandy this week, though. Strong winds and rain moved into our area on Monday and took their sweet time leaving. As a result, trick-or-treating in our area was postponed until last night.

It was pretty cold out, but at least it had finally stopped raining! Indiana Jones kept losing his hat, though, so the wind hadn't died down completely. He also enjoyed handing out candy for a little while this year.

Yes, the boys wore the same costumes as last year.  Not that I minded using what we already had laying around.  Maybe next year they'll mix things up a bit.

Now we need to figure out what to do with all of this candy...

Since trick-or-treating was postponed,  we spent Halloween carving/painting pumpkins followed by a round of hot apple cider and board games. 

The boys also enjoyed baking some Halloween treats earlier in the week.

The cold, rainy weather was definitely an invitation to bake.

Benjamin was simply fascinated by the baked goods in the oven!  He was kept well-occupied just by having the oven light on.

In school this week we switched our Calendar Connections over to November and the theme of Thanksgiving.  I wrote more about this on Cleveland Homeschooler - you can read about it here.

Of course this week was also All Saints' Day and the Feast of All Souls. We read "Father Phillip Tells a Ghost Story" and "I Sing a Song of the Saints of God" and did some projects to go along with our discussion.

The boys each made a pumpkin with their name and its meaning on it.  We also read a story about each of their saints.

We also enjoyed continuing our new study of the World's Greatest Artists. We're using the books from the library and the lesson plans from Confessions of a Homeschooler.

So far we've read about Picasso and the boys are each working on duplicating one of his pieces. They got as far as drawing them this week, so I hope to have the paintings to show next week.

For the last couple years, the boys were in an art class taught by a high school art teacher at her art studio. It was a great class, but this year she had to close her studio, so we're taking a break from the class while she settles into her home studio. And while I loved the projects the boys did in her class, I felt like they could benefit from learning more about art history, so the series we are using now is a really good fit.

I'm proud to say that my six year old can now tell you about Cubism.

In other news, I will be the next President of the United States. It says so right here...

Yep. We're in trouble.

We continued learning about presidential elections this week and had a lot of fun playing the Electoral Challenge and On the Road to the White House games. The boys now know all about the election process ( I hope!). They can even tell you what it means to be a Swing State (or why Romney and Obama have been to Ohio approximately 400 times in the last two weeks) and how many electoral votes many of the states have.

This should make next Tuesday even more exciting for them. Maybe.

That was pretty much our week! I hope you are all safe, warm and dry!

~ Dori

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