Monday, March 28, 2011

Adventures in Solid Food

Today we combined the high chair, bib, spoon, rice cereal and baby for a much-anticipated event. I say "we" because it was a family affair - the boys were so excited to share in their baby brother's momentous voyage into eating solid foods.  We picked a day when daddy could join in on the fun, too.  Here are how things unfolded:

Happy, unsuspecting baby Benjamin...

Big brother picks out a bib...

He survived. Barely. Actually, he was a really good sport.  I'm pretty sure he didn't swallow any of it, but one step at a time.  

Happy Monday to you!

~ Dori

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

Happy Friday, once again!  Have you been in suspense all week over how the Pinewood Derby went?  Well, (drum roll, please)...

 Michael got fourth place (for the Wolves) and Thomas got third (for the Tigers)!  I could mention that there were only three Tigers.  But nevermind.

They had a great time and were very proud of their cars.  Michael decided to paint his shiny gold and attached some erector set pieces to it and Thomas made his resemble a milkbone (dog treat).  They definitely had the most creative cars!  And because they each placed in the top four they are eligible to move on to the district race coming up in April.  Very exciting.

Michael and Thomas also each received additional recognition and awards including their bobcat badges, science belt loops, astronomy belt loops and astronomy pins (they both LOVE science and space. Obviously). 

Matthew got to see one of his friends, too (he's also in our gym group).  I thought he'd love watching all the cars race, but he was more interested in eating pizza (and cookies!) and running around with the other little boys. 

This week was full of Cub Scout action since the boys also had their regular meeting. 

If you look closely, you'll see Thomas making his "I'm so embarrassed" face.  Most of the meeting was a sewing instruction where the boys learned how to make their own bean bags and how to hand sew patches onto their uniforms. 

The boys really enjoyed it.  Michael was already familiar with how to use a machine and how to hand sew, since it just so happens that it's something his mother loves to do (you know, in all my free time).  Both of them came away from the meeting with a desire to make more things, specifically more bean bags to throw around. 

I'm not sure they're too thrilled with the idea of sewing their own patches onto their uniforms, but it's definitely a useful skill to have.

In case you're wondering what Matthew and Benjamin did during the meeting (since I volunteered to stay and help)...

I know he looks rather pitiful sitting there all alone, but he was only actually like that for about ten minutes.  He spent the rest of the time playing with one of his friends. The sewing instructor was nice enough to make them each their own bean bags, too.  

Meanwhile, Benjamin did his usual charming of everyone he encounters...

After we got home from the meeting, the boys scurried off to spend time building things (they quickly begin experiencing withdrawal symptoms if they are away from legos and such for too long). A short time later Michael reappeared with this creation:

A bean bag tossing target contraption thingy!  And, per his request, here is a video of it in action...

Genius, right?

I think that does it for another photo filled Friday.  I hope you are all doing well and have a great weekend!

~ Dori

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rainy Day Pick-Me-Up

A video to demonstrate that:

A. Benjamin is the cutest baby on the planet.

B. Benjamin is a genius. (He sees the toy.  He reaches for the toy.  He grabs the toy.  He "talks" to the toy.  Clearly he is a genius). 

C.  Benjamin is the cutest baby on the planet. It deserves two spots on this list.

And in case you are currently experiencing the same cold, rainy weather that we are, here is another video that might brighten your day.  If not, then I can't help you.

~ Dori

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fun Friday Photos


Hello, sunshine - so nice to see you! I hope you'll consider staying awhile...
Yes, that's me trying to be all artistic with the camera - I love the trees! And I love the sunshine - spring is definitely in the air.  It's rather hard to believe that just a week ago we were getting buried in a foot of snow!  Today I have the windows open.  

The boys are pretty excited, too.

It was a pretty quiet week around here.  We spent most of our time doing schoolwork and watching all of the snow melt.  I feel like I'm trying to make up for lost time because of the extended break we took from school after Benjamin was born.  I also keep reminding myself that this is why we home school in the first place (see previous post) - to enjoy the different seasons of life together as a family.  When I keep this in perspective then I'm able to relax a little about things like long division.

I mean, clearly the boys are doing just fine, right?  

They got a little crazy with the protective gear they wore while working on Pinewood Derby cars this week.  The sawdust was flying!  But the cars are ready (thank you honey!) and tonight's the big race.  You'll have to tune in next week for pictures. Yes, I'm going to keep you in suspense.

Meanwhile, Michael created a Lego scene depicting the derby...

I was impressed.  

Thomas created his own scene of people at a library using their computers.  I love his toothless smile.  

And did you notice the delicious new fabric up there?  I actually bought something for myself with the generous birthday gift from my in-laws (thank you!!).  It's a wonderful, laminated cotton fabric that I easily made into a tablecloth for my beautiful table.  We've all been enjoying meals and things together at the table more, now that I'm less likely to freak out about scratches and spillage.  I MAY have been a TAD overprotective of the table before.

But no more.  Now I enjoy the sight of it being used by my little guys.  They love it. 

I'm not afraid of you, markers and ink.  (Michael's masterpiece - isn't it cute?)

And speaking of things that are delicious and cute - Benjamin turned five months old this week.  FIVE months old?!?! It's a little hard to believe.  Michael took that picture of him grabbing the bananas and making the music play - he was really excited to catch him in the act.  They all love their baby brother so much - it makes my heart happy.  

 We went to our gym/playgroup this morning, which is sanity-saving for everyone - the boys get to run around with their friends and I get to converse with other grown-ups.  It's a nice group of moms and a nice group of kids - so it's a win-win. Next week is a scout meeting week and the boys will be learning to sew. Don't laugh - sewing is NOT just for girls.  I'll be helping out at the meeting, which excites me because I love to sew! I've already taught Michael some basic hand sewing and machine sewing skills - all the boys flock to the sewing table when they hear my machine running.  So I look forward to sharing more about that next week.

I hope that you had a great week and have some beautiful weather wherever you are - thanks for reading!

~ Dori


Friday, March 11, 2011

Fun Photo (and a video!) Friday!

How many days until spring?  

That's our front yard - right now.

That's the back yard - the level of snow on the patio table there gives a pretty good indication of how much has fallen since last night.  And it's still coming down...

Poor Bella is really losing hope.

Of course this snowstorm happened to fall on the day when we have our weekly gym/play group  which got canceled.  This means we will have to come up with some creative ways for the boys to get some energy out today!  

Yay WiiFit! (Thanks again for the Wii Uncle Chris!)

Michael is skiijumping, in case you wondered.

So, what's been happening around here this week? Well, Benjamin had his four month checkup and passed with flying colors.  

He's a happy, healthy little guy - the pediatrician was most impressed.  His next adventure will be starting on some solid food.  So it looks like I'll be breaking out the feeding seat and rice cereal soon!  I can't believe he's that old already.

We also had a trip to the dentist this week, as Thomas' overcrowded mouth needed some attention.  The words "Thomas" and "orthodontia" have been uttered in the same sentence more times than I care to think about.

Poor guy had two teeth pulled.  One was barely hanging on and ready to come out on its own, but the other one had the entire root still attached and the big tooth was already coming in behind it. It wasn't going without a fight. Thomas was an excellent patient - the entire dental office staff was highly complimentary of all the boys.  One lady was ready to take Benjamin home with her.  

Who wouldn't want to take that little bundle of cuteness home with them? 
But enough about the baby, even though I'm pretty sure it's the only reason most of you read this blog.  

Aside from getting dragged around to the various appointments of the week, the boys have been up to their usual things - like pining over all things Lego.

And, yes, the occasional gadget use.  They are doing educational things, though. Thomas is using a free Lego design software and Matthew is playing Math Bingo.  Or maybe Angry Birds.  Don't judge me.  Does it bother anyone else that his socks don't match?  He does that on purpose.

Michael and Thomas have also started working on their cars for the upcoming Pinewood Derby.  I basically throw the kits at Kevin, give him permission to spend money at the "man store" (Lowes) and tell him when the cars need to be finished by.  (Thank you honey!)

And, of course, we did schoolwork this week.  Benjamin is starting to get on board with the whole napping thing - mostly.  It can be challenging to fit everything into the day, but taking the time to truly enjoy the newest member of our family together is important, too. 

Are you ready for an extra special Fun Photo Friday bonus? Did you already scroll down to the end and watch the video, thus completely ruining the surprise? Then shame on you!  For the rest of you, here's a demonstration of Benjamin's recently acquired bubble blowing skills:


That does it for another Fun Friday - I hope you enjoyed your peak into our world.  I really enjoy your comments - they truly make my day! So thank you to those of you who have taken the time to make them.  You may also want to consider "following" this blog.  If for no other reason, then to make me feel good!  I added that "Networked Blogs" thing over there -->  (scroll up) so that you can follow me with your Facebook account instead of going through Blogger. Wasn't that nice of me? 

I hope you are all doing well and had a great week!

~ Dori