Saturday, February 5, 2011

Of Snow and Such

This picture is from last winter, but it's pretty much EXACTLY what it looks like in our backyard right now (I love the massive icicles!).  Ironically, we live in the "snow belt" yet had probably the least amount of snow of our Midwest neighbors this past week.  We do, however, have plenty for the boys to play in - they LOVE the snow.  I love watching them - working together to build a snowman or a fort or a Death Star.  They're on a bit of a Star Wars kick.

When it's too cold or disgusting to play outside they mostly keep themselves occupied with legos during play time.  They also take turns enjoying their baby brother.

I finally caught Thomas on camera having a moment with the baby.  He doesn't like to have attention drawn to him.  I was testing Benjamin's sitting up skills - the more tired he got, the more severe the leaning.  I really can't believe how much he's growing and changing every day.  For instance, look how HUGE he looks next to little Matthew.

He's also showing signs of going mobile.  Panic.  I'll periodically find him in the opposite direction of where I put him in his crib, for instance.  And the other day as Thomas was walking by him playing on the floor he casually stated, "Oh, look.  Benjamin is rolling over." I nearly choked to death on my coffee.   Fortunately, he hasn't taken off with the whole rolling thing just yet.  Instead, when he's playing on his back he'll hike his little legs into the air and taunt me with a look that says, "I could do it if I want to, you know.  Any time now I could just roll on off this little play mat and make your day one prolonged anxiety attack." Have I mentioned all of the itty-bitty, teen-tiny, choking hazards that are strewn about my house?

The boys have gotten out of the house, though, despite the wintry weather.  They recently had two field trips with the Cub Scouts.  The first one was Star Lab and learning all about space. It was through one of the local Metroparks and the boys learned A LOT.  I don't have any pictures, though, since I didn't go on the field trip with them.  Picture a large dome that you sit inside of where stars are projected onto the "sky."  Thomas has been looking at every space book he can get his hands on ever since.

I did attend the other recent field trip, which was a Tae Kwon Do class for all the scouts.  I was so proud of how Thomas and Michael really jumped right in and followed along.  All the boys had a great time and a great workout.  They are somewhat interested in doing it again.  Personally, I think it would be so cool to be a black belt in something.  Anything.  I'd find a way to casually work that fact into every conversation I ever had with anybody.

Michael is in a beige shirt on the left and Thomas is also in a beige shirt on the right closer to the mirror.  It was a great opportunity for them to try it, anyway.

I think that sums up the last week or so around here.  Benjamin has been more cooperative about napping during the day, so we've started making progress with our regular schoolwork again.  The boys are working on a special project with their daddy that I will reveal in a future post.  Of course, tomorrow we will all be snuggled up together on the couch watching football and eating junk food for dinner.  I can't wait!  Even if it isn't the Colts playing.

So, stay tuned for my "Homeschooling Part 2" post, wherein I attempt to identify the more specific reasons why we home school.  No, I haven't forgotten about it, we've just been having issues with the laptop lately.  Specifically the cord that charges it.  I also hope to have a guest post coming up soon - any guesses who it'll be?

I hope you are all staying safe and warm and, as always, I appreciate your comments!

~ Dori


Kevin said...

That is a rare pic of Thomas! I love it.

Unknown said...

Tell your boys that I studied Tae Kwon Do for a couple years in grad school. Not that I'd want to spar with them... they'd probably kick my butt.

And +1 for getting them hooked on space. Have they checked this out yet?

Elizabeth said...

Baby Benjamin is growing so quickly!!!

I've heard of family Tae Kwon Do classes - a black belt could be in your future, Dori!

Dori said...

@Chris - did you like Tae Kwon Do? I don't remember what you've said about it before. Looked like a great form of exercise to me! We did check out Google Sky - thanks! The boys have been soaking up all information space-related lately.