Monday, February 14, 2011

Boy Valentines

 I imagine that when you ask most little girls to make something for Valentine's Day it probably ends up involving lots of glitter, the color pink and all things princess-y.  I suggested to my boys that they make something in honor of Valentine's Day and they scuttled off to various corners of the house before I could offer any further direction.  A while later they each emerged with their creations.

Boy valentines.

They also helped me make these.

Since my kind of valentine involves chocolate.  Or baked goods.  Or both. 

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Baby Benjamin is so cute - what a sweet little valentine! And, yes, the girls used pink, glitter, ribbons, heart punches, heart stickers...

Are the Lego people anybody in particular? :)