Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ol' Bear

Ol' Bear wasn't always old, of course.  It's just the only name I remember him ever having.  My four year old received the bear during a visit to an urgent care for an ear infection when he was just a baby.  I have often wanted to let those nurses know how much the little stuffed bear has meant to him.

Ol' Bear recently went missing.  Now, a couple of years ago this would have been a complete crisis.  There would have been lots of tears, tearing the house apart looking for him and bargaining with replacements.  Fortunately, the four year old's attachment to the stuffed animal isn't quite as strong as it once was.  A simple, "We'll look for him tomorrow - how about sleeping with this (obviously inferior) animal tonight?" has been sufficient.

For many weeks now the four year old has occasionally approached me with a pitiful comment about the missing bear.  Something like, "Mommy, we STILL don't know where Ol' Bear is."  Heartbreaking.

Well, after a recent cleaning spree the bear was found, abandoned in the back of a closet.  To which the eight year old commented, "Oh, yeah.  I think I remember hiding him there a while ago or something."  Right.

So the four year old was reunited with his missing friend.  Much happiness and rejoicing ensued.  Then he said to the eight year old, "When are you going to sew Ol' Bear a shirt?"  He thinks his big brother can do anything.  Really sweet.  He also thought that the poor bear was cold.  After the boys were in bed that night I decided to try and rectify the situation.

I surprised the four year old in the morning with a sweater that I stayed up crocheting.  He suggested that a matching hat might be nice.

Now child and beloved stuffed animal are reunited.  Ol' Bear is no longer cold.  There is balance in the universe once again.

~ Dori


Mary said...


So glad to hear that Matthew and Ol' Bear have been reunited. I remember when Thomas was the one who listened to all of us trying to find "Bee-ar" (which is what I remember Matthew used to call his friend,at first) when I was in Michigan for a visit. Finally, after many days of serches and discussions, Thomas piped up one day and said that he remembered that he had put the bear in a box in the basement! In the meantime, Matthew was persuaded to use the small Corduroy Bear. I think that is when he started referring to his original bear as "Old Bear", because he called Corduroy "New Bear". Anyhow, I hope that Ol' Bear is back to stay now. Very cute sweater and hat!!
Love, Mary

Gail said...

Cute sweater and hat, Dori. Matthew is as adorable as ever. Does he still have "blue dog"?

Unknown said...

Very sweet story and adorable photos! I also love the sweater & hat!

Dori said...

Yes, Gail, Blue Dog is still in the favorite animal rotation!
Thanks, Aunt Lill! Matthew is pretty photogenic...

Elizabeth said...

Yea! Ol' Bear has been found!!! I'm so happy for the little guy! The pictures are so adorable! Can you imagine sleeping with all those stuffies?! You are a wonderful mom to make Ol' Bear a matching hat and sweater!