Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We celebrated our firstborn's birthday over the weekend. He turned NINE.  Let's just take a moment to let that sink in, shall we?

Looking back to when he was born seems like such a long time ago, yet I also remember it like it was yesterday.  I'm still amazed that God would give us such a gift.  And then three more.

People who know me well know that I love birthdays.  I see them as a celebration of life - an opportunity to stop and give thanks for the uniqueness that is you.  How often do we really take the time to do that?  I think your birthday should be full of the people and things that make you happy.  To me the perfect gifts are the ones that show thought for the recipient's individuality.  I hold a great dislike for giving gifts solely out of some obligation.  How wonderful it is when someone presents you with a gift and says "I just saw this and thought of you."  Those words are a gift in and of themselves.

We've  developed a tradition for birthdays around here.  Basically, the whole family stops whatever they're doing and spends the day celebrating however the birthday person chooses.  Sometimes that includes other friends and family and sometimes it's just us.  Michael's birthday celebration this year started with a post-it note.  That note led him to one after another around the house which eventually led him to find his present.  In the oven.  Since he had his heart set on one really big gift, my husband and I thought that a treasure hunt would add some fun to the birthday present portion of the day.  Michael LOVED it.


He then spent the next 3 1/2 hours building it nonstop.  With ALL of the other boys (husband and baby included) sitting around him watching.  He barely slowed down long enough to eat the bagels he had requested for his birthday breakfast treat (Panera Bread cinnamon crunch - donuts masquerading as bagels).  I don't think anyone even noticed when I left the house to go and get them.

He was sooooo proud of it when it was done and has been playing with it ever since. In case you can't read the Lego box up there, the set has over 1,000 pieces!  He even reenacted the Challenger disaster in the living room with it (a topic we discussed on the recent anniversary).

I love that he was so completely happy with one gift.  Well, actually, two, since I also made him that blanket up there.  He loves blue right now. I think each of his gifts speak to who he is at this moment in time - a smart little boy with lego skills and interests beyond his years, who still appreciates having something his mother made for him. 

His day also included a visit from Grandma and Grandpa, dinner at the restaurant of his choice and of course cake! He actually made and decorated the cake himself - his idea. And one that I decided not to argue against since making pretty cakes isn't really something I excel at.  His turned out MUCH better than what I would have come up with. If you look closely you can see sprinkles flying off the end of the cake. The boys thought this was hilarious, of course.

It was a great day - the birthday boy declared it so.  A big thank you to anyone who also sent him a gift or birthday wish - it is MUCH appreciated!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

What a fun day! Post-it note treasure hunts are the best! In some ways it seems it was just yesterday that I came to meet your 3-week-old baby boy (the first one, that is :) ). And now he's baking cakes and making space shuttles. So how old does that make us? I'm glad he had such a great birthday and congratulations to you and Kevin for all that you have NINE years later!!!

By the way, I'm craving a cinnamon crunch bagel now! :)