Friday, February 25, 2011

Fun Photo Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! Does it look anything like this where you live?  This picture was taken earlier in the week when there was a coating of ice on everything.  It was really beautiful in the sunlight.  Incidentally, that bench is where my husband proposed to me.  But that's a story for another post - if you want to hear about it.

The weather right now is less sunny and sparkly and more white and snowy.

There's a street there somewhere.

On to some fun photos! Here's some of what we've been up to lately.

Our dog is patiently waiting for spring...

 As usual, the boys have been spending every moment they can building things.  Like a Viking ship...

Or boy valentines... 

Or The White House...

 Or whatever...

The older boys also had Cub Scouts this week, which included a visit from the Police Chief and the Fire Chief.

Clearly they could hardly contain their excitement.  They were all happy, smiley and running around before I stopped them to take this picture.  Honestly. 

They also brought home their latest projects from art class.

They are very different children.

And what has baby Ben been up to?

Hanging out...

Playing with his toys...

And gearing up for some exersaucer use...

He's also getting better about napping during the day, thank God.

We try to use his nap time for getting our schoolwork done, so longer naps are much appreciated!

That about sums up things around here.  The highlight of our week was celebrating Michael's birthday - so check out the post about that if you haven't already.

Hope you are all staying safe and warm as you wait patiently (or not so patiently) for spring!  As always,  I love reading your comments, so thanks for taking the time to make them!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Definitely fun photos!
Bella's pic and the Boy Scout shot are my favs! Made me chuckle!
Looks like a fun week!