Friday, May 6, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

 My husband gave me an anniversary present last night.  I was sitting at his restaurant with a friend, enjoying a margarita and the latin band (Grupo Fuego!)  when all of a sudden I heard my name.  I don't exactly have the most common name, so I was pretty sure whatever was going on was being directed toward me.  I saw my husband walk onto the dance floor (they had cleared out some tables to make room for the band and dance floor for the HUGE Cinco de Mayo party) and then I heard a member of the band say "where's your wife?" 

And then I realized that was me.  

And then I realized that the band member was still talking and saying something about a ten year anniversary. 

And my husband was smiling at me from the dance floor. 

So I got up and joined him as it became clear to me that he had asked the band to make a special announcement and play a special song just for me. For us - to dance together.  We haven't danced like that since our wedding day - unless you count dancing in the living room. Needless to say, it was the highlight of my week.

You can sort of see the band behind us, behind that pillar.  With all the lights and decorations the place looked great and it was a fun party! I'm pretty sure Kevin will be trying to catch up on sleep for awhile, though.

Mmmmm....sleep.  (He loves his bear  Uncle Tom and Aunt Lill!). 

Where was I?

Oh, yeah. On to some photos.

I promised pictures of the little guys in their Tae Kwon Do uniforms.  Surprisingly, there was no bribery involved in getting them to wear them! 

They are really enjoying the class, although Michael still doesn't like to admit it.

He's obviously not enjoying himself at all.  He and Thomas have already earned some stripes on their belts for skills they've learned.

Thomas getting his stripes.

Michael getting his.

 Matthew has a great time during the class playing with his friend.  

Benjamin is just along for the ride.  

Our week started off with a visit from Grandma and Grandpa over the weekend, which was really nice.

The economy size box of playdoh they brought with them has helped keep the kids occupied during all the rainy days we had recently.

They also brought Michael his new desk chair that he had requested for his birthday.

He's pretty happy with it. 

(Recognize the shirts, Chris?)

Now he can easily move from one lego-covered table to another in his room.   After a few evenings alone in his room working hard he produced this:

That would be a Millennium Falcon (Star Wars, Han Solo).  And, no, it's not a set - he just made it up.  From watching the movie 574 times.  And pouring over the pictures of the Ultimate Collector's Edition Millennium Falcon that he will probably never have (it costs $1500!).  I suggested he try making his own and am completely impressed with what he came up with.  

Michael also took those (and many more!) pictures of it himself.  He's very proud of it. As he should be.  He really wants to be a Master Lego Designer when he grows up.  I have no doubt that it's something he would excel at.

Thomas built himself a mini TIE Fighter that he bought with some money he had saved.

Again, that's from Star Wars. 

I was a bit relieved when Michael got himself a lego recently that wasn't Star Wars related.

It's some kind of Hero guy.

We decided that since he's a hero he probably knows Tae Kwon Do.

So, it's been a rather busy week.  To recap: visit from grandparents, awesome dinner date with husband, night out for me with mom friends which included wine and cheese, Tae Kwon Do, Art Class, Gym Class and plenty of lego building for the boys and Cinco de Mayo party/romantic gesture by husband.  

No wonder I'm exhausted. 

 I also spent the better part of one day working on a Mother's Day surprise.  I'll share that next week, though. 

And, yes, I realize that this post was short on Benjamin pictures.  He enjoys admiring himself in mirrors as of late.  

I also realize that I'm in danger of having to re-title this post Fun Photo Saturday, which doesn't sound nearly as good, so I'd better wrap things up.

I hope that you are all doing well - thank you for taking the time to stop by and read! 

And don't forget to call your mothers on Sunday.

Also, when in doubt, you can't go wrong with chocolate. 

~ Dori


Unknown said...

Nice shirts!

I'll also try and dig up my Tae Kwon Do uniform for our upcoming trip!

Elizabeth said...

Wish I could have seen the look on your face when you were called to the dance floor! How sweet - Kevin rocks at surprises! I'm glad you got some time out with friends and with Kevin... soooo needed!

Michael could definitely be a Master Lego Designer! That, or an Etch-a-Sketch Master! What do they say... do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life? :)