Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cookies From Heaven

 This isn't a food blog.  That's not really my thing.  But, eating food, specifically delicious cookies, does rank pretty high on the list of things that I enjoy doing. And I would be remiss if I didn't share these cookies with you, my family and friends.

 Brown Butter Toasted Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Brown butter coconut what?!

  Small Pieces of Heaven would also be an appropriate title. 

My husband came home from work the other day and told me about these cookies.  Someone he works with had baked them and brought them in to share.  He ate about 42 of them.  I'm guessing.

After having him repeat the title of them to me about 74 times because it was the end of a long day and my brain had already shut off, I became intrigued by the "brown butter" and "toasted coconut" part of the whole thing.  I don't normally go out of my way to eat things involving coconut.  And what the heck was "brown butter?"

All I can say is that it doesn't matter.  Just stop what you are doing and make these cookies.  Double the recipe.  Trust me.  Freeze some, take them somewhere to share with people you love, or even just sort of like and maybe want to impress a little bit.  Just make them. You deserve it.

Recipe: (you didn't think I was going to go through all of that and not give you the recipe, did you?)

Adapted from joythebaker.com

1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
1 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
2  1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
 1/4 cup toasted coconut (I used sweetened)
1 cup dark chocolate chips

Yes, there's an alarming amount of butter in these.  Life is short.  And butter = things that taste really good.

Also, don't be put off by the slightly more labor-intensive steps (i.e. browning the butter).  It is worth the effort. 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Line baking sheets with parchment paper (or aluminum foil),  especially if the surface of your cookie sheets is questionable, like mine.

Spread coconut out on one cookie sheet and toast in the oven for about six minutes, until browned and fragrant.  Remove from sheet and put in small bowl to cool.

Melt butter in saucepan over medium heat.  The butter will foam and crackle. Do not be alarmed. This is supposed to happen.  Once the crackling subsides the butter will begin to brown.  Once well-browned, immediately remove from heat and pour into a bowl to cool slightly.  (Removing from the pan ensures that the butter won't continue to cook and possibly burn).

In another bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda and salt.  Set aside.

In mixing bowl, combine granulated sugar, brown sugar and browned butter.  Beat together, on medium speed, for about two minutes.

Add the egg and egg yolk (if doubling the recipe, two eggs and one yolk are fine).  Beat on medium speed for two minutes.  The mixture should become silky smooth. Add vanilla and beat.

With mixer on low speed, add the dry ingredients.  Mix just until incorporated - dough will be thick.  Use a spatula to fold in the coconut and chocolate chips.

Spoon tablespoon-full balls onto the prepared baking sheets.  If the dough is too crumbly, mix a little with your (clean!) hands until it comes together more.

Bake for 10-12 minutes, until golden brown but still slightly soft in the center.  Remove from oven and allow cookies to cool on the sheets for five minutes before removing to wire rack to cool completely. 

Once cooled, store any cookies you were able to resist eating in an airtight container.  Enjoy as long as they last.

You're welcome.

~ Dori


Ashley said...

They look delicious!! We are a huge fan of chocolate chip around here :) We use the toll house recipe, skip the salt, but add 1 package of instant vanilla pudding mix...keeps them so soft! These will most definitely be tried by us!

Dori said...

Thanks Ashley! I am definitely going to try your version of the Tollhouse recipe - sounds scrumptious!

hannah.rose said...

love these!!

Dori said...

Not sure if these are the same recipe as yours, Hannah, but I owe you a HUGE thank you for introducing them to us!

Elizabeth said...

I've been thinking about these ever since you posted this! Cupcakes for school, birthday castle cake, then cupcakes for birthday party took over my kitchen. It's now about time to try these heavenly wonders! I'll let you know just how many I manage NOT to eat. Thank you, Dori and Hannah!

The Tollhouse variation sounds awesome - thank you, Ashley!

Elizabeth said...

I can't believe I pulled myself away from the cooling rack long enough to write this! These cookies are ridiculous! If it weren't 10:30 at night, I'd be calling you to thank you! Of course, this will require you to come visit so we can go shopping together... for bigger pants for me! :)

Dori said...

I could totally picture you in your kitchen scarfing cookies, Elizabeth! I knew you'd love them - they ARE ridiculous! They definitely sabotoged my weight loss efforts, but are so worth it. :)

Elizabeth said...

And now I have almost an entire bag of coconut in my refrigerator, which will only lead to more cookies! There's a recipe for an Italian Cream Cake that calls for coconut - amazing cake with a cream cheese frosting. I'm all caked out, though. Other than the cake and these cookies, I'm at a loss for what to do with coconut... so cookies it is!