Friday, June 3, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

Happy June! Is it me, or does time just keep flying by? That picture up there of my oldest child holding my youngest one is certainly evidence of this. 

We've been enjoying the spring weather now that it's finally stopped raining.  I love having the windows open and letting the fresh air inside after the long months of having the house all closed up for winter.  Nevermind the sneezing, sniffling and slight headache that comes with it.  It's worth it. 

It was even warm enough to swim this week. The boys were so happy to get in the water at their friend's house.

Most of their activities outside the house are winding down for the summer, so we are looking forward to a more relaxed pace for awhile. 

Of course, we're still doing school this summer, since we need to make up for time off when Benjamin was born. Although, I would continue with their schoolwork during the summer anyway.   It's been my experience that the boys do better when we keep somewhat of a routine going. 

I'll be doing another post specifically about homeschooling soon, though, so let's move on for now, shall we?

Benjamin has really been on the move lately. Let's just say that "baby gates" are on my list for the next trip to Walmart.  

No crawling just yet, but any day now he's going to figure it out.  In the meantime, he gets where he wants to go. 

Thomas has these Halloween socks that he wears all the time.  He's a bit obsessed with them, really.
Benjamin obviously thinks they're pretty awesome, too.  

I'll be working on some baby-proofing in the upcoming weeks, that's for sure.  The other boys have been very good about keeping their little things (legos!) off the floor in the main area of the house.  They are fascinated by how fast their baby brother is growing and changing!

Allow me to demonstrate how much Benjamin enjoys watching his big brothers.  And how much they enjoy entertaining him.

You can tell that their mother was a dancer.

Benjamin has also finally gotten the hang of the solid food eating. He's become a big fan of the oatmeal! Just look at that little bulging tummy.  His pediatrician was mildly concerned with his low weight at his six month checkup but what I like about her is that she sees the "big picture" and also respects that I have four, happy, healthy children and may just know what I'm doing.

Please don't tell her that I have no idea what I'm doing.

So, that's all the excitement around here.

Stay tuned for "Homeschooling Part Three: How I Lost My Mind," wherein I attempt to explain some of the "hows" of our homeschooling.  In the meantime, you can catch up with Part One here and Part Two here.

Have a great weekend!

~ Dori


Kevin said...

Great pics, but I'm concerned about the last one. Do you often allow your children to ride such clearly deranged individuals?

Elizabeth said...

That video is hysterical!