Friday, June 10, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

Today was the last official Cub Scout meeting for this school year.  Our group went to Mass together then to the park for a picnic. I thought I'd have a bunch of pictures of the boys running around, playing in the sunshine but this did not happen because:
  1. The sun wasn't out 
  2. I forgot the camera (I have no idea how, in the morning chaos of getting four kids and myself all fed, dressed and out the door I could have possibly forgotten something)
  3. I spent the entire time at the picnic talking to my mom friends instead of paying any attention to what the boys were doing.  
But we all had a great time! 

Okay, no, they don't LOOK terribly excited, but after the formal meeting stuff they ate a snack and happily ran around on the playground with the other boys until rain drops started falling and the baby realized he was hungry.

Today basically marked the end of all the boys' extra activities for awhile.  With the exception of some swimming lessons this summer.  As I mentioned before, we'll still be continuing with our schoolwork  but it will be nice to have our afternoons free.  

The boys will be happy to have more time to devote to their building, for one thing.

They were pretending to be kings and queens this week.

Matthew was going around proclaiming to be the "Queen of Everything." 

Don't laugh.

Okay, laugh. It's funny.

In the end, they decided that mommy and daddy are the queen and king.  Of the Barthauer Kingdom anyway.  

Michael and Thomas brought home their completed Ugly Doll projects from their last art class this week.

It was a project they both really enjoyed making.

I like that they learned some great hand-sewing skills!

They've decided that since they know the basic steps for constructing an Ugly Doll, they would like to make some more on their own.

Sounds like a good rainy-day project to me! I can't wait to see what other variations they come up with.

Obviously, Thomas and Michael's dolls are friends. 

I'm going to keep things short today, since the morning adventure of Mass and picnic with four children has  left me with very few brain cells functioning.  Did I mention that Mass was at 8:30? In the morning? 

The boys were very good, though.  There was an untimely burp on Benjamin's part, but there's nothing wrong with a little comic relief during Mass, right? Right?!

And speaking of comic relief, I will leave you with a video that my husband took. He got an early Father's Day gift in the form of Benjamin making a very concentrated effort at saying "dada."

I love the snooty face he makes.  Apparently, my husband made a very similar face when he was a baby.

I'll be back next week with two posts - the first one is a surprise (one hint - it has to do with a project Michael and I worked on together recently) and will most likely occur on Monday or Tuesday and the second one will be a Special Edition of Fun Photo Friday as we celebrate Matthew's birthday!

Hope you are all doing well and I'll "see" you next week!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

What a cute video! Such a nice feeling as activities wind down...