Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I intended to do my third post in the Homeschooling series today, but Michael really wanted to share a project that he and I worked on together instead. Not wanting to squash his enthusiasm, I, of course, agreed.  On one condition.  That he do some of the writing. 

And so, I give you a special guest post written by Michael...

Thank you, and now I will begin.

It started with these stained pants.

And ended with a new bag.  (Because my Mommy is awesome).

I got the idea from an Indiana Jones lego game. Indy always wears a satchel to carry his cool things which is where I got the idea from.

I picked some fabric from mommy's stash to match the pants, then we started to sew. First I sewed the flap .

Then I sewed another part of the bag together. That's Thomas watching.

I think my favorite part about making the bag was using the sewing machine.
But the part that I liked the most was the new bag.

(wearing it at breakfast, the morning after we finished it)

Of course Mommy did help a little.

Thank you, Michael! I really enjoyed working on the bag with you and look forward to our next project! You did a great job!

~ Dori (Mommy)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You guys are amazing! What a neat project to work on together!