Friday, June 24, 2011

Lazy Days of Summer

Ahhh...the lazy days of summer have officially begun. 

We've taken a break from outside activities and school for a couple of weeks. The boys have been dividing most of their time between lego building and reading.

Michael recently felt inspired to create a lego version of a coffee shop, for some reason.

Complete with coffee station and bagel rack.

Legos and reading. Those seem to be the boys' two favorite things to do and that's just fine by me.

Lots of reading. I love it.

No shortage of books around here. And yet it's all I can do not to run over to Half Price Books every chance I get to buy more.  FYI - if you're a homeschooler you can get their teacher discount card.  It makes for some ridiculously good buys.  

While the boys have been lounging around reading, I've been in my pre-vacation frenzy of laundry, cleaning, shopping, chocolate consuming, etc...

Picture taken by Michael - he's getting really good with the camera!

Benjamin can't wait! The husband, baby and I will be in Tahoe next week.  It's a mostly paid for vacation courtesy of the husband's employer.  We're staying an extra couple of days as our tenth anniversary gift to ourselves. 

The nursing baby gets to tag along.  He digs his new stroller.  And when you have four children, taking just one on a trip with you is a vacation.  

The boys were feeling creative with the cards after a few rounds of Go Fish

Aside from reading, the boys have been enjoying the outdoors when the weather has been nice.

They recently discovered the joys of running through a sprinkler on a hot day.

Best $4 I've spent in a long time.  Also, I wish I had muscles like Thomas. The kid is ripped. 

Yes, summer has officially begun! Of course, after our trip, it'll be back to the books.  And hopefully some swim lessons, playing with friends and other summer fun. 

But, for now, it's back to laundry and packing! I hope your summer is off to a great start!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You know it's bad when the kids are building coffee shops!