Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fun Photo - What Day is It?

It's the moment you've all been waiting for...pictures from our trip to Lake Tahoe!  

You haven't been waiting? 


In short, we had a great trip and are now in the post-vacation-exhausted-but-good-to-be-home stage.  My husband works for such a great company and attending the General Manager Summit every other year always reminds me of that. 

We were a bit nervous about being the ONLY people to bring our baby to the company sponsored activities, but we ended up being overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of everyone we encountered.

Part of the summit every year includes a banquet on the last night where various people give speeches and certain company employees are recognized. As we got ready to attend the banquet this year, I was silently praying that we would be sitting at a table in the back of the room, near an exit, in case Benjamin became disruptive. 

So, of course we were seated in the front and center of the room and next to - NEXT TO - the founder of the company.

  He ended up complimenting us on how good our baby was and also spent plenty of time talking to and playing with little Benjamin.  We'd been given the honor of being at that particular table because my husband is one of a handful of General Managers to recently become a managing partner with the company.

And when he wasn't oohing and ahhing over the little guy, plenty of other people were! It was a wonderful group of people. 

We even had a phone call one morning from my husband's boss and wife with an offer to babysit Benjamin so that we could go out alone. 

Of course we said yes.  

We ended up having the most wonderful lunch at a restaurant right on the water.

It was heaven. And Benjamin had a great time with his babysitters! They did, however, temporarily rename him Carlos.  

 Which was fine.  

Except that approximately half of the company became confused and thought that his name really was Carlos. 

They obviously had not seen "The Hangover."

Carlos Benjamin spent every day of our trip charming anyone who came within ten feet of him. 

He was a very good traveler, too.

It was a long, long, LONG day of planes, trains and automobiles to get us to and from California, but he did really well.  

And there weren't actually any trains, just planes and automobiles.

And a trolley! We spent one day venturing out beyond our hotel in the Heavenly Village and got to ride a trolley instead of the regular bus. 

We visited a winery and enjoyed a picnic in a private courtyard on a beautiful 70 degree day.  

In fact, the whole time we were there the weather was perfect! It rained for maybe three hours one morning and was sunny and mild the rest of the time. 

Once we adjusted to the altitude, we thoroughly enjoyed the crisp, mountain air.

We spent a lot of our time walking, since there were plenty of restaurants and shops right near the hotel.

We were also right on the state line and therefore in California looking across the street at the casinos in Nevada.

Benjamin spent much of his time in the stroller, but loved it!

By day, he was happy, easy-going baby.

Unfortunately, he made up for that by not sleeping very well at night.

But we had such a great time during the day that we didn't really care too much.

I slept for ten hours straight the night after we got back home.

We spent our last night in Tahoe having a champagne picnic on the beach at sunset. 

It just seemed like the right thing to do.

Benjamin agreed.

Maybe you noticed the sweater that he's wearing?

I made it! And, no, I had never made a sweater before, so I was really happy that it turned out! 

The only problem is that it fits Benjamin perfectly. Which means that five minutes from now he will have outgrown it.

But he wore it every day of our trip, since it was cool in the mornings and at night, so at least he got some use out of it.  And my sweet husband bragged to anyone who would listen about how I made the sweater for the baby.  I'm just going to have to get started on a bigger one!

Once I've had more sleep.

We really enjoyed our trip and are extremely grateful to my husband's employer for giving us such a wonderful vacation!

We are also grateful for the fact that Grandma and Grandpa survived their week with the other three boys!

We missed them, of course, but they had a great time while we were gone.  

I won't have a Fun Photo Friday post this coming Friday since we will be spending the day celebrating a very special someone's birthday! My Thomas is turning seven.

Um, time? Could you please slow down a little? Please?! Thank you.

I can't wait to spend the day celebrating Thomas! I think I have a plan for a Lego cake and we'll be taking him to the drive-in movies to see Cars 2 - he's really, really excited.  

But you'll have to wait to see pictures.  

I hope you are enjoying summer and had fun celebrating the fourth of July!

~ Dori


Lillian said...

Wow - it looks like it was an awesome trip! Congratulations to Kevin for making managing partner! And Dori, you are so talented. You should be selling your creations on Etsy. Benjamin's sweater is so cute and perfectly matches his beautiful blue eyes! Sending Thomas wishes for a very Happy 7th Birthday!

Dori said...

Thanks so much Aunt Lill! I would LOVE to have a store on Etsy - just haven't found the time for some reason... :)

Elizabeth said...

Carlos? Carlos?! What part of Benjamin looks like a Carlos? Too funny...

Love the sweater! It looks great on him...maybe it will stretch! Here's hoping!

I'm so glad you guys had a great vacation! Can't wait to hear more about your trip! Oh, and I thought you were one of the statues... :)