Saturday, July 9, 2011

Turning Seven

I will refrain from mentioning for the 53rd time how frustratingly fast time seems to go sometimes. 

How, in the blink of an eye, this...

Has grown into this...

And this...

Now looks like this...

It's okay, I'm crying too. 

Yesterday we celebrated Thomas.  We've developed a birthday tradition in our family where we stop the world for the day and make everything all about the birthday boy.  No work, school, chores, etc... just celebrating each unique child for who they are. 

First off, Thomas really likes penguins and requested that I make him one for his birthday. Obviously, I was happy to oblige.

 The green "T" was Thomas' idea.  He fits right in with the rest of the "gang" of crochet animals around here.

Thomas' birthday celebration started with a trip the to the drive-in movies to see Cars 2 the night before.  We picked up one of his friends on the way and the boys had a great time eating junk food and watching the movie.

It was a late night.

  Thomas' special day began and ended with lots and lots and LOTS of lego building.

He had opened some presents from grandparents the day before.

But I think the highlight of the day was the treasure hunt!

Thanks to my husband's creative genius, Thomas had the best hunt yet.

It started with the doorbell ringing...

Thomas' lego guy held the first clue.

Then the search for the rest of the clues began...

Followed at all turns by his brothers, of course...

Kevin took all the great pictures while Benjamin and I just tried to keep up with the action.

Since running + holding baby + being horribly out of shape = recipe for disaster.

We gave Thomas the lego set that he's been dreaming of since sometime last year.

This is the picture that he cut out of his Lego magazine and has been staring at longingly for several months.  I ended up laminating it so that it could hold up to all of the yearning.

Needless to say, he was one happy boy.

It took a long time to put together, since the set has over 1,000 pieces, but Thomas thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. 

Of course it just about killed his brothers to just sit by and watch.  Fortunately, Thomas let them help here and there and also let them share the other sets he had built.

His birthday has basically turned into a three day lego free-for-all.

Which is what heaven is to our seven year old boy.

His daddy made him a special cake, too - a giant replica of a lego guy head. 

Only with tasty, chocolatey goodness inside.

We had a great time celebrating our Thomas! And he appreciated ALL the gifts and birthday wishes he received, so thank you!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

What a HAPPY birthday!! The treasure hunt looks awesome - I think Kevin could enter the birthday party market!