Friday, July 15, 2011

Fun Photo Friday Returns!

Benjamin turned nine months old yesterday.  Nine. Months. Old. 

He decided to celebrate the occasion by learning how to crawl this week.  He's gotten very good at it. 

A little too good at it.

Just for the record, there is a brother located at the top of those stairs out of sight but ready to keep the baby from tumbling down while I took the pictures. 

Nine months old also means starting to take baths in the big tub. 

He's not too sure about it yet.

The other boys have thoroughly enjoyed watching Benjamin learn and grow. 

He's pretty fascinated by them, too.

In other news, Thomas is still engrossed in lego building...

The new sets he received for his birthday have kept him pretty busy.  We've had to literally drag him away from them anytime we've left the house in the last week.

But that's okay.  For now.  I will have to wean him off the abundance of lego time to do some school work next week, however.

Before Thomas' birthday we celebrated the Fourth of July by taking the boys to a big fireworks display in a nearby town.

The boys waited patiently for it to get dark outside. I don't have any other pictures since I was holding a sleeping Benjamin for most of the time. The boys LOVED it, though! We hadn't been to a fireworks display in a while, so it was really nice.

Earlier that day, Michael and Thomas were in a parade where they represented the Cub Scouts.

Obviously they were very excited about it.

Getting to ride in a fancy car (Jaguar) and throw candy at people made it a little better, though.

That lady is Mrs. Bob Feller, in case you were wondering.  Mother of the famous Cleveland Indians pitcher. She's a big deal around here.

After surviving enjoying the parade, we did some fireworks at home to get the celebration going. 

And by fireworks I mean things that just made noise and didn't even require the use of a lighter (much to my husband's disappointment). 

The boys enjoyed it anyway. 

We'll be spending the rest of July and August trying to find a balance of making progress with school and enjoying the fleeting days of summer.  

Hope you are enjoying summer, too!

~ Dori


Kevin said...

I love the pic of Michael by the tree.

Elizabeth said...

Woah, he is growing up quickly! And getting cuter and cuter!

Waiting for fireworks is tough. They don't start here until 9:30ish. Which is why we only see them every other year at most!