Friday, May 27, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

My Jedi Knights in training.

One more week of Tae Kwon Do classes.  I'm proud of the boys because, despite their reluctance to try something new, they stuck with it and even grew to enjoy it in the end.  

 They're even adding it to their list of possible activities to pursue in the fall.  One activity that they definitely decided to continue with for another year is Cub Scouts.  

This week the Scouts went on a fishing excursion, which the boys really enjoyed, even though it involved putting worms on hooks.  Little boys don't generally mind that kind of thing, though. 

Is it just me or does Thomas look particularly old in that picture? 

Of course the highlight of our week/month/year was having a visit from Chris and Sue! As you can tell, I even managed to get pictures wherein nobody (Chris) is pulling their usual disruptive picture-taking antics (Chris). 


Ah. There's the Chris we know and love.

We played many games together.

Uncle Chris needed a nap after that one.

Nope. I wasn't kidding.

For someone without kids of his own my brother has a knack for picking out really good games/toys for his nephews (or maybe I have Sue to thank?), including a Physics Kit for Michael.

We also read stories.  Michael was eager to read to everyone. Thomas is still shy about sharing his reading skills.  

Meanwhile, Sue quickly became Matthew's BFF.  He insisted on holding her hand anytime we went out and also requested that she tuck him in bed at the end of the day. Too cute.

It was a great weekend! We really appreciated that Chris and Sue took the time to visit us. 

Michael was even inspired to create a Lego version of Android for his Google Uncle.

And after they left?  Back to the usual.

The boys retreated to their Lego areas for awhile.

Baby Ben worked on becoming increasingly mobile.

As the above picture demonstrates, he can get around the room pretty well now.  And that's just by rolling. I'm in big trouble when he figures out how to crawl.

That was our week.  We have a weekend of yard work and hanging out with some friends planned.   Then we'll be diving back into our schoolwork next week. 

Thanks for stopping in to read! Have a great weekend!

~ Dori


Elizabeth said...

Looks like the boys all had a great time with Chris and Sue! I'm sure Twister was a hit! That's a good one for the uncles to play...

Rolling babies can be scary! Benjamin is probably so happy with his mobility, though! Have a great weekend! We are melting here!

Sue said...

Yay - we are in Fun Photo Friday! It was great to see you, Kevin and the boys and of course to finally meet Benjamin! Re: picking out presents, Chris definitely deserves all the credit!