Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Scuba Monkey? Turtle? Armadillo?

  You may remember back in February when I talked about my nephew's birthday and the present I made for him.  Because, obviously, you have nothing better to do than think about my blog posts.  On the off chance that you haven't read it and would like to, you can read that post here.

Go ahead, I'll wait.

In a nutshell, (since I know you didn't bother reading the post), I discovered that my nephew was ever so slightly obsessed with scuba things, so I made (crocheted) him a scuba frog.  Because that's just the kind of awesome Aunt that I am.  Modest too.  

Well, my nephew LOVED Scuba Frog.  Yay! My heart leapt with joy at hearing this from his mother.  In fact, not only did my nephew really, really like Scuba Frog, but so did my niece!  Frogs aren't really her thing, though - dolphins are.  She LOVES dolphins.  And suddenly and rather desperately she wanted a scuba dolphin.  
Obviously, I got to work immediately.

I scoured the internet looking for a pattern I could use (there are a surprising lack of crochet dolphin patterns out there, by the way). 

I studied pictures of dolphins.

I consulted with some experts (a.k.a Michael, Thomas and Matthew).

I compared pictures of dolphin fins with pictures of shark fins.

I realized that perhaps I was becoming a teensy bit obsessed and was possibly losing what was left of my mind.

But it was worth it.  Apparently my niece was overjoyed the day the birthday package containing her very own Scuba Dolphin arrived in the mail.

I was so touched to learn how happy my niece and nephew are, playing together with their scuba animals.  

I love when I am able to make gifts for people.  I especially love making things for kids.  I especially, especially love making things for kids that are a special request.  I especially, especially, especially like making things that are deemed potentially impossible to even make.  The boys always have a list of things they want me to make for them.  I love that they truly believe I can make anything! One day they'll figure out that that's not the case. 

Until then, I'll continue to have a lot of fun trying to keep up with their imaginations!

~ Dori


Unknown said...

Very cool! Maybe this could become a business - a whole line of scuba animals. Get the patent now!

And in the meantime, how about a Scuba Android? :)

Dori said...

Thanks Chris! I'll get started on that Android... :)

Elizabeth said...

Love the home page, by the way! :)

Elizabeth said...

I think you're on to something... Or at least you've learned more about scuba gear in the past few months than you ever thought you'd know!