Friday, May 20, 2011

Fun Photo Friday - Video Edition

Happy Friday once again! I don't have an all-out blog post in me today, but wanted to give you (my loyal fans) something.  My brother and his girlfriend are here for a visit this weekend - YAY! The boys have been asking every day this week when they are coming and the day is finally here! They can geek out with their uncle over Legos, Star Wars and Whatnot.  I will be sure to take plenty of pictures to include in a post next week.

Until then...I have two videos, because the boys decided I needed to just put them both in this post.  They are both of Benjamin working on his sitting-up skills.  The first one is from just over a week ago and the second one is today.  You'll notice some improvement.  Also a Monopoly game going on in the background.  And that he's (once again) taken his pants off.

Have a great weekend!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Yay for Baby Benjamin! So cute! Hope everyone had a fun weekend with Uncle Chris!