Friday, May 13, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

No, you're not on the wrong blog, I just decided it was time to redesign Life With Legos.  I suppose it's a bit like my inability to leave furniture in the same configuration for very long.  I have a compulsive need to move things around every 7.5 minutes.  

 After deciding that it might be fun to change things up on the blog, I enlisted the help of my resident Junior Lego Master Designers. 

Yes, Matthew is still in his pajamas. You can do that when you homeschool.  

 Then I took lots of pictures.  Then I decided the whole thing needed to move outside.  Then I took more pictures.  Then I loaded them onto the computer, edited and turned one into the header.  Then I changed and tweaked the new template for the rest of the blog.  Then I resisted my perfectionist tendencies and decided to stop tweaking and editing and just leave things well enough alone. 

For now.

So, what do you think of the redesign? The boys really enjoyed the project and I will pass along any comments to them.  

Spring has definitely sprung around here, but without as much rain this week.  I've been shoving encouraging the boys outside to play at every available opportunity. 

Since my mood and productivity are directly tied to the weather, we stayed pretty busy this week.  Physical Fitness was the theme, which tied in with their learning about the Food Pyramid and the human body.   

In keeping with the theme, this week officially kicked off my time-to-lose-all-this baby-weight fitness campaign.  I generally prefer to exercise alone, but discovered how much fun it can be to have the boys join me. 

We're doing Pilates.  Obviously.  

 It was their idea to join in.  And, considering how they ended up joining in each time (FOUR times, thank you very much!) I guess they like it.  

Wait until I mix things up next week with a ballet workout...

Michael and Thomas also had their weekly Tae Kwon Do class as well as a Cub Scout field trip to a gymnastic studio.  

 They had a basic skills gymnastic class and they both LOVED it.  As in, "when can we go back for another class, mom?" 

After some jogging, jumping jacks, sit-ups, etc... they rotated through various stations where they learned a new skill.

Thomas doing a hand stand

It was a great class and I was happy that the boys enjoyed it and would be interested in doing it again.  I really want them to find something physical that they enjoy doing on a regular basis.  The studio offers a class once a week for home schoolers that we'll definitely be signing up for in the fall. 

There is also a nice area for parents and siblings to hang out, which is always a bonus.  Although, I'm hoping that Matthew can also take the class at some point. 

Despite the busy week of activities, we managed to fit in some school work.  And, yes, they always obediently sit and do their math worksheets.  Just like they routinely do their chores while whistling a happy tune and without me having to nag them repeatedly. 

Bella is also enjoying spring.  She is one happy dog now that winter is behind us.   

And, of course, Benjamin has been keeping busy, too. 

"Talking" to daddy.

Practicing standing.

Admiring himself in the mirror. 

He's a good-looking little guy - there's lots to admire.

He's also been continuing his quest to drool and slobber on absolutely everything he can.

Stuffing his hand into his face really helps get the drool flowing. 

Once again,  I am in danger of not actually getting this post published on Friday, and therefore, needing to retitle it.  It's not actually my fault this week, though.  Blogger has been down (for publishing - you could still read the blog) since late in the day yesterday and only came back to life this afternoon.  It also didn't save the part of the post I had written yesterday, for some reason, which was frustrating.  Especially since I'm sure it was rather witty and insightful.

Have a great weekend! And don't forget to let me know what you think of the new look!

~ Dori


Unknown said...

The new look is perfect! I just spent an enjoyable time catching up with you and your family while having a lunch break. You're very talented - Thanks for all the smiles & laughs. And I'm very glad that Benjamin likes his bear! Love you guys. Aunt Lill

Elizabeth said...

Send some motivation this way! I could a good Pilates workout! Hope the boys stay interested!