Friday, April 29, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

Happy Friday everyone! First off, thank you for all the anniversary wishes! Kevin and I celebrated ten years of marriage yesterday.  Where did the time go? 

Those beautiful flowers arrived in the morning yesterday and really brightened my day! Thank you, Mom and Dad! I have to give Kevin the credit for the beautiful photos of them. We took the whole family out to dinner last night to celebrate together.  The boys also enjoyed perusing our wedding album when I was working on yesterday's blog post.  Kevin and I will have an opportunity for a date night this weekend when the grandparents are in town - we are so looking forward to a nice, quiet dinner together.  Hot meals!  Uninterrupted conversation!  Food items whose names I can't pronounce! Our big celebration (it's TEN years people, it deserves a lot of celebrating) will be in June when we get to go to California! More on that later, though, otherwise I'm afraid I will never get this post published. And my husband assures me that there would be disappointment if that didn't happen.  I'm pretty sure he's just being nice but just in case...

I will share some photos of our week with you.  Benjamin has been grabbing everything he can and eating it.  Well, not eating things so much as smashing them against his face and slobbering all over them. 

This has meant more of me yelling at politely reminding the other boys to keep small things away from him.  I'm still in big trouble when he goes completely mobile.  Funny how with the first born you can't wait for them to acquire new skills and by the fourth you're willing to suppress any and all developmental growth for the sake of your own sanity. 

The exersaucer has become one of his favorite (and safe) places to play (thanks again Grandma!).  He's actually tall enough now to stand up straight in it.

In case you're wondering how the solid food introductions are going (and even if you aren't), I'm pretty sure he is swallowing more than he is spitting out at this point.  Carrots were particularly popular this week.  Yes, baby Benjamin is definitely growing and learning.  

Also, he still likes to take his pants off during naps.  

It's been frustratingly rainy here lately - the only thing Bella hates more than the cold is the rain.  But, we still had things to go out and do this week.  Michael and Thomas had their first Tae Kwon Do class.

It was a good size group of fellow home schooled kids - boys and girls ages five or six on up.  Thomas enjoyed it more than Michael, but both boys did really well and had a lot of fun.  Whether they would admit it or not. 

Clearly they aren't enjoying it at all.

I know the pictures aren't great, but I was trying to take them while holding the baby in my lap, keeping tabs on Matthew and carrying on a conversation with another mom.  So, really they aren't too shabby.  Next week they get their uniforms, so you better believe I'll be taking LOTS of pictures.  Once I bribe them into putting them on of course.  

They also brought home some art work recently from their art class. That one is Thomas'. 

And that one is Michael's.  When I asked them what they were discussing during the time they made these they replied, "lines."  Duh.  I asked them to expand on that and they said, "different kinds of lines artists use."  Right.  So glad we're paying big bucks for the art class. 

They also had a scout meeting this week, but I didn't stay for it so I don't have any pictures.  Apparently, they had a cooking lesson and discussed the food pyramid. Both boys sounded like they really enjoyed it and even admitted to trying (and liking!) the stew they made.  I really should put them to work in the kitchen more than I do.  

  I'm off now to try and accomplish about six months' worth of housework in about an hour.  Or I might just relax with the boys and eat some pizza.  It's anybody's guess.  Except that of course I'm going to go for the pizza option.

Hope you had a great week!

~ Dori


Ashley said...

Ok both pieces of artwork are awesome....however...I have to say that Thomas' is particularly AMAZING!! I can't stop looking at it. So intriguing...where does it begin...just when you think you have satisfied your eye, you look somewhere else and are awe struck again. Very nice work!!

Ashley said...

And Happy Anniversary!!!

Dori said...

Thanks Ashley! I'll pass the compliment on to Thomas. They really do some neat things in their class. I want to get some frames and make a gallery wall with some of their pieces. Hope you are doing well!

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful flowers, beautiful baby, beautiful artwork! And Tae Kwon Do looks like a good use of all that energy kids have!