Friday, February 25, 2011

Fun Photo Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! Does it look anything like this where you live?  This picture was taken earlier in the week when there was a coating of ice on everything.  It was really beautiful in the sunlight.  Incidentally, that bench is where my husband proposed to me.  But that's a story for another post - if you want to hear about it.

The weather right now is less sunny and sparkly and more white and snowy.

There's a street there somewhere.

On to some fun photos! Here's some of what we've been up to lately.

Our dog is patiently waiting for spring...

 As usual, the boys have been spending every moment they can building things.  Like a Viking ship...

Or boy valentines... 

Or The White House...

 Or whatever...

The older boys also had Cub Scouts this week, which included a visit from the Police Chief and the Fire Chief.

Clearly they could hardly contain their excitement.  They were all happy, smiley and running around before I stopped them to take this picture.  Honestly. 

They also brought home their latest projects from art class.

They are very different children.

And what has baby Ben been up to?

Hanging out...

Playing with his toys...

And gearing up for some exersaucer use...

He's also getting better about napping during the day, thank God.

We try to use his nap time for getting our schoolwork done, so longer naps are much appreciated!

That about sums up things around here.  The highlight of our week was celebrating Michael's birthday - so check out the post about that if you haven't already.

Hope you are all staying safe and warm as you wait patiently (or not so patiently) for spring!  As always,  I love reading your comments, so thanks for taking the time to make them!

~ Dori

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We celebrated our firstborn's birthday over the weekend. He turned NINE.  Let's just take a moment to let that sink in, shall we?

Looking back to when he was born seems like such a long time ago, yet I also remember it like it was yesterday.  I'm still amazed that God would give us such a gift.  And then three more.

People who know me well know that I love birthdays.  I see them as a celebration of life - an opportunity to stop and give thanks for the uniqueness that is you.  How often do we really take the time to do that?  I think your birthday should be full of the people and things that make you happy.  To me the perfect gifts are the ones that show thought for the recipient's individuality.  I hold a great dislike for giving gifts solely out of some obligation.  How wonderful it is when someone presents you with a gift and says "I just saw this and thought of you."  Those words are a gift in and of themselves.

We've  developed a tradition for birthdays around here.  Basically, the whole family stops whatever they're doing and spends the day celebrating however the birthday person chooses.  Sometimes that includes other friends and family and sometimes it's just us.  Michael's birthday celebration this year started with a post-it note.  That note led him to one after another around the house which eventually led him to find his present.  In the oven.  Since he had his heart set on one really big gift, my husband and I thought that a treasure hunt would add some fun to the birthday present portion of the day.  Michael LOVED it.


He then spent the next 3 1/2 hours building it nonstop.  With ALL of the other boys (husband and baby included) sitting around him watching.  He barely slowed down long enough to eat the bagels he had requested for his birthday breakfast treat (Panera Bread cinnamon crunch - donuts masquerading as bagels).  I don't think anyone even noticed when I left the house to go and get them.

He was sooooo proud of it when it was done and has been playing with it ever since. In case you can't read the Lego box up there, the set has over 1,000 pieces!  He even reenacted the Challenger disaster in the living room with it (a topic we discussed on the recent anniversary).

I love that he was so completely happy with one gift.  Well, actually, two, since I also made him that blanket up there.  He loves blue right now. I think each of his gifts speak to who he is at this moment in time - a smart little boy with lego skills and interests beyond his years, who still appreciates having something his mother made for him. 

His day also included a visit from Grandma and Grandpa, dinner at the restaurant of his choice and of course cake! He actually made and decorated the cake himself - his idea. And one that I decided not to argue against since making pretty cakes isn't really something I excel at.  His turned out MUCH better than what I would have come up with. If you look closely you can see sprinkles flying off the end of the cake. The boys thought this was hilarious, of course.

It was a great day - the birthday boy declared it so.  A big thank you to anyone who also sent him a gift or birthday wish - it is MUCH appreciated!

~ Dori

Friday, February 18, 2011

Scuba Frog

My nephew recently celebrated his birthday.  We had the opportunity to see him and his family in early December when they made the trip from Florida to Ohio.  I had planned on crocheting a stuffed animal for my niece and nephew as one of their Christmas presents, but those plans turned out to be a little overly ambitious.  I don't know why this past Christmas found me even more frazzled than usual.

Oh, yeah.  

I told my nephew when I saw him that I had wanted to make him something and since I didn't finish it in time for Christmas, I would make it a birthday present.  I asked him, specifically, how he felt about frogs.  Don't all little boys like frogs?

Also I had been dying for a reason to make this frog - he's from a book I bought over a year ago that is so full of cute things to crochet.  I love the way he turned out.  But, would my sweet nephew like him?

After visiting with him in December I learned a critical piece of information.    My nephew LOVES all things scuba.  He's fairly obsessed.  But in a healthy, kid-like way, of course.  He first greeted us wearing a backpack, which his mom quickly explained as his "scuba pack."  So cute.  Then I noticed how he would strap a small, wooden block to the back of his little stuffed dinosaur and declare him a "scuba T-rex."  So, after further discussion, my nephew and I decided that he needed a scuba frog.

I've been fairly obsessed with scuba frog.  My latent perfectionist tendencies wouldn't let me stop working on him until he was just right.  I could have easily continued to obsess over scuba frog for much longer, but I wanted my nephew to have him sometime relatively close to his birthday. The cashier at Target probably thought it was a bit odd for someone to come in at 9:30 at night just to purchase swim goggles.  In February.  It's also the only time in my life that I've walked out of Target with only ONE thing.   I do admit, though, that it was hard to put him in the mail.  I've become quite fond of him.  The boys have enjoyed the journey and process of making him, too.

 In fact, scuba frog has really made himself at home around here.

But, off to Florida he goes, to be with a little boy who will hopefully love him as much as I imagine he will.  And if he doesn't, then please don't tell me.

Due to popular demand, fun photo Friday will return next week.  Now I am off to celebrate a very important someone's birthday this weekend! More on that later...

Have a great weekend!

~ Dori

Monday, February 14, 2011

Boy Valentines

 I imagine that when you ask most little girls to make something for Valentine's Day it probably ends up involving lots of glitter, the color pink and all things princess-y.  I suggested to my boys that they make something in honor of Valentine's Day and they scuttled off to various corners of the house before I could offer any further direction.  A while later they each emerged with their creations.

Boy valentines.

They also helped me make these.

Since my kind of valentine involves chocolate.  Or baked goods.  Or both. 

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

~ Dori

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fun Friday Photos

 We could all probably use a laugh at the end of the week...

This is a paper I found in my third grader's PSR (Parish School of Religion) class folder. 

In case you can't see it very well, he was apparently supposed to draw a picture of "me bringing peace to my world."  What he drew is a picture of a stick figure (presumably himself) carrying a puzzle piece to a large world puzzle.  Hmmmm...

No description really needed on that one.  Just glad I had the camera handy.

Playing checkers with the dog.  Unbeknownst to the dog, of course.

Benjamin spent nap time very quietly working his way out of his pants.

Waiting patiently for breakfast...

Bella doing math. The boys thought this was hilarious.

Thomas being...well...Thomas.

That about sums up our week.  What do you think? Should "fun Friday photos" be a regular post?

~ Dori

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Raising Boys

 Today I have a guest post - did you guess who it would be?  It's written by my husband, who assures me that I won't regret posting it.  I think I already have.  Seriously, my husband is an excellent writer and I am happy to include his male perspective on my blog.  He also says some very nice things about me which, for the record, I had no idea he was going to say. 

Husband and cake
 As parents of boys, we spend quite a bit of time around and among ‘boy’ things.  Legos, of course, are an enduring theme, but nearly anything can be turned into a building toy, or a rocket, truck, car, airplane, or machine gun.  In fact, since we don’t allow toy weapons, a certain amount of improvisation is inevitable.  And then there are the noises.  There are just some noises that all boys know how to make.  If you are male or have male children of a certain age, you know what I’m talking about.  Explosions, gunfire, jet engines, laser blasts.  All of these noises can be readily and accurately reproduced by any six year old boy.  If you don’t believe me, ask one.  I dare you.

Mom was NOT informed
 If you are female, you’re thinking, “some things never change”.  You’re right.  A portion of every man remains in that boy place.   The toys we choose may differ, but the essentials never do.  Come to think of it, men and boys of any age would most likely choose the same toys if we could.  It’s just that for a grown man, there is no one around to say, “No, you can’t have that chainsaw/samurai sword/Corvette”.

Unfortunately, though, the toy does not make the man.  Last year I purchased a knife for camping.  It's black and cool looking, and I believe the manufacturer used the term ‘Tactical’ in the description.  Yet, surprisingly, I have not been invited to join any SWAT or paramilitary groups.  The trappings of manliness are wonderfully fun, but not enough to make one a man.  Nor is marriage, or fatherhood for that matter.

Fast things!
So what does “make the man”?  And, more importantly, what must be done to teach our boys to be men?  Two qualities often associated with manhood are strength and toughness.  Society often emphasizes the physical forms of strength and equates toughness with a lack of emotion or with strong negative emotions such as anger.  You need only watch an action movie trailer to see the modern popular view of manliness. 

Even faster things!
 But few parents aspire to teach just the popular interpretation of the masculine.  Indeed there is so much more to strength and toughness.  For our boys, strength is best measured in the strength to believe and feel and decide as they know is right.  An independence of spirit and an intrepid desire to explore the world are aspects of strength that must not be discounted.  And it takes strength to care for people.  Not just to like or love someone, but to take on the act of caring for others.  Compassion is a form of strength that is not so coveted as the brute type.

Cool haircuts
  Likewise, toughness need not only apply to the ability to take a punch a la Rocky Balboa.  It’s not easy to be mentally tough in a media atmosphere that wants to tell us what we want, what we need, and what everyone else thinks of us.  Critical thinking is real toughness.  If the Marlboro Man were truly as tough as he looks, he never would have started smoking in the first place.

 These qualities of manliness are what I want for my boys.  If they can learn to have the strength to love and the toughness to think for themselves, they will be truly exceptional men indeed.  But where, you might ask, do they learn such admirable qualities?  Well, as much as I would like to take credit for teaching them these manly essentials, I must confide that I don’t think I am the only, or even the chief influence in this regard.  As is so often the case, our boys learn much of what it means to be men from their mom.

My wife is a beautiful woman, and very feminine.  But, with regard to the qualities above, she is also one of the manliest people I know.   Every single day, she teaches our boys, and me for that matter, how to have true strength.  She has the strength to face a day with four young children who are full of energy and say, “I think I’ll teach them myself”  She has the strength to love, and, even  more than that, the compassion to show that love to people who are cruel or unappreciative.

Moreover, my lovely bride of nearly ten years, has the toughness to do what is best for our children.  She believes in home schooling.  She is passionate about giving our children the very best she can even in the face of criticism and resistance from people she never would have expected would object.  She makes up her own mind in a world that wants to tell her she’s wrong.

I don’t know a stronger or tougher person.  I have learned so much about being a man from my wife.  And I am so thankful that our boys will learn what it means to be a man from a woman like her.
