Friday, January 7, 2011

Joys of Motherhood

Always believe a child who tells you they need to throw up. Stop whatever you are in the middle of and get them to the most cleanable area you can. I speak from experience here.  My first Monday of the new year found me juggling two vomiting children and a nursing baby. I should mention that everyone is just fine - it didn't last long.


 I think a day like this presents only two options; deal with the situation while grumbling and cursing (silently, of course) and letting it put you in a fowl mood, or deal with the situation while finding the humor in it. Miraculously, I was able to do the latter on this occasion. I could hear the sounds of the other sick child whimpering loudly on the couch and the baby growing increasingly impatient waiting to eat, yet as I stood there in the bathroom wiping vomit off my sweet child's face I shook my head and laughed. And all I could think was how lucky I am (I know, right?!). Lucky to be a mom to these children - even though it sometimes means spending a fair amount of time scrubbing things with Lysol after unspeakably messy things happen. I was just glad that in this particular instance, the children made it to the bathroom. I mean, it probably needed a good cleaning anyway. 

I am happy to report that the rest of our week has not been nearly as dramatic as Monday was.  There are still some children not feeling 100% well - but the bathroom has been spared any more onslaughts. We somehow managed to still begin our first official week back to school - and it went surprisingly well!  We've had an extended break from it due to the birth of baby number four, but now it's time to get back to work.  Honestly our day goes much better when we hit the ground running with our schoolwork.  The challenge is fitting it into life with a new baby.  Or fitting the new baby into our homeschooling life - however you want to look at it I suppose.  Having all the boys home during this time of getting to know Benjamin has been such a blessing, though.  

What's that? You're wondering about all the pictures with the large green fuzzy thing? That's Android - a gift from Chris and Sue (thank you Chris and Sue!).  As for the intended recipient...

Although clearly there are many family members enjoying him.  

He's even showing signs of compatibility with Mac iOS.  

Hope that your new year is off to a good start and that your week has been vomit-free.

~ Dori


Megs said...

I've been waiting forever to be a mom, so I'll gladly clean up vomit, no matter where it lands, as long as I have someone to call me "mommy"!

Sue said...

Love the pics!

Elizabeth said...

Oh, no! I don't know how you managed anything but swearing and throwing up yourself! I'm glad it was quick and that everyone is feeling somewhat better. I'm thinking the hardest part of it all was not being able to use chocolate as a coping mechanism - or was your stomach able to handle it?

The pics are great and had me laughing!

Dori said...

@Megs - praying for you and hoping you'll be a mommy soon!
@Sue - thanks! Android is very popular.
@Elizabeth - fortunately, I was fine. MUCH chocolate was consumed!

Thanks for reading everyone!