Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Hard to believe that yet another year has gone by - how was your 2010? Are you ready to welcome whatever 2011 has to offer?

A new year is always an exciting prospect to me, although
I gave up on making any formal "resolutions" a long time ago. Instead, I've tried to adopt a "clean slate" attitude that will hopefully carry through in all aspects of my life. In other words, no dwelling on the less-than-pleasant things in the past, only thoughts of what I can do to keep the future bright for me and my family. Easier said than done, I know. I find it all too easy to fall into a "coulda, woulda, shoulda" kind of mentality, but I don't think that's a terribly healthy way to move forward in life. So my "resolution", if you will, is to harness my inner optimist (I know she's in there somewhere!) as I welcome whatever this new year brings for our family.

I'd like to take a moment to look back at
our 2010. Some of you already know the details of our past year, others of you have no idea and some of you may not care. Understandable. I will try to keep it brief.

This was our first year living in Cleveland and it's been a great move for our family. Yes, Cleveland does, in fact, rock. Of course we were moving from the Detroit area, so they could have sent us to (insert name of horrible, God-forsaken place here) and we would have viewed it as a step up in life. I say "they", referring, of course, to my husband's employer. And "they" didn't really "send" us to Cleveland so much as ask politely if Kevin would be interested in running the Cleveland store to which we replied "when can t
he moving van get here?" And we knew it was the right move when our new neighbors came outside to introduce themselves bearing a plate of cookies. That pretty much sums up how Clevelanders are - nice. We lived next to the same people for two years in Michigan and never knew their names.

We've enjoyed our first year in Cleveland and are looking forward to many more. My husband is happier than he's ever been with his job and I thank God every day that he's gainfully employed. The boys and I have enjoyed our adventures in homeschooling (more on that in an upcoming post). We immediately found a wonderful church that is five minutes away from our house (three if the lights are all green - not that I'm ever running late or anything). I've also been fortunate enough to find a wonderful and welcoming network of homeschoolers - a truly encouraging group of supermoms. Some highlights of the year include our oldest celebrating his First Communion, Matthew and I taking a road trip to Connecticut and Michael and Thomas enjoying camping and football games with daddy.

But there is a decidedly "best" part of 2010 for us.

The birth of our fourth son, Benjamin. Let's just say that he wasn't exactly, um, "planned." He's a reminder to me that God knows what He's doing, especially when I don't have a clue. Also, that He has a sense of humor. I mean FOUR boys?! Pretty hilarious.

That about sums up our year. We are thankful for each and every one of you that were a part of it and look forward to the people and places that 2011 will bring.

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I'll be re-reading this post often (like everyday!) to give myself an attitude adjustment! It's so hard to put the past behind and focus on the present. Somewhat related, I was introduced to Leo Tolstoy's story, "The Three Questions," by the head of the kids' school. It's basically a parable about what matters in life... The most important time in your life is now. The most important person is the person you are with now. The most important thing is to help and be good to that person. Anyhow, just some more food for thought. The Negative Nancy in me is all too present, but I am trying to take her down! It's inspriring to read a dear friend's related thoughts! Let me know if you come across any good strategies!

Cleveland rocks in my mind, too - a much more manageable drive from CT!!!