Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Follow Me! Subscribe! Like Me! Please?

First off, thanks for reading!  I thought I'd take a moment to explain "following" and "subscribing" for those of you unfamiliar with what they mean.  As you can see to the right over there --> there is a "follow" button and underneath it are the people who are already following my blog (thanks guys!). If you would like to follow my blog (and really, why wouldn't you) then click on that button OR the word "follow" at the very top of the page and sign up.  All it really does is let other readers know that you like this blog and it makes me feel special. Also, if you follow many blogs then it will be added to your list and you can then "manage" those blogs and see the latest posts from them all in one spot.  Basically, it's quick and painless and will make me feel loved and special.  So just do it already. 

I have also placed a "subscribe" button over there --> so that you can sign up for email alerts.  I'm rather proud of that button, since I did it all by myself and it required learning about things like "feeds" and whatnot.  So please use it.  If you are already receiving emails alerting you to the fact that there's a new post (such as for this one) then I had previously added your email to a list of people to be notified (presumptuous, I know).  If not, then please use the button that I spent an afternoon agonizing over installing to sign up.  It's also quick, painless and will ensure that a) I feel loved and special and 2) you find out practically the instant I have published a new post to this blog.  And why wouldn't you want either of those things.  Really. 

So, I hope that helps explain some things, namely, how you, my readers, can help me to feel loved and special.  If you have any questions, please ask away. I will then search the depths of Google until I find the answer and get back to you! 

Thanks again for reading and for taking the time to comment - I appreciate knowing you're out there and what you think!

And stay tuned - I'll have a brand new post in just a few days.  The anticipation is killing you, I know. 

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Anything for you, Dori!