Friday, January 14, 2011

Time Flies

Baby Benjamin is three months old today. He is, as you can tell, the world's happiest baby.  I'm pretty sure that a lot of his demeanor has to do with being constantly surrounded by the loving, attentive big brothers he has - they are really sweet with him.  Baby Ben's big accomplishments this week are sleeping through the night (thank you God) and reaching out and grabbing things!

See? Always smiling.  Happiest. Baby. Ever.  But as much as I enjoy watching all of the boys grow and change I also periodically get the urge to yell "wait, slow down time - you are going WAY too fast!"  Every mom I know feels that way. Our oldest turns nine in about a month. Nine!  YEARS old! First of all, that makes me older than I could possibly be, and second of all - didn't we just bring him home from the hospital?! 

That's him with one of his latest Lego creations. He got the idea in his head that he wanted to make an R2D2 (that's from Star Wars for those of you who live in a hole) and so he did.  Here's a closer look:

He just made that up.  It's not a set or anything.  I can't believe most of the things they each build on any given day.

 Matthew's creation. Um - he's four. 

Those are Kinex, not Legos.  But still.  Amazes me. 

This was also a Cub Scout meeting week and Thomas and Michael worked on building a bird feeder.  I got to help the group of little boys hammer things into place with a baby strapped to the front of me.  He slept through the whole thing. 

So those were some of the highlights of our week.  Did you have a good week? Anything exciting planned for the weekend?  Our weekends are a little less exciting now that the Colts are out of the playoffs - we have a Sunday afternoon football ritual around here.  Not that we still won't be watching, I'm sure.

I hope you all had a great week! Thanks again for reading and taking the time to comment. If you didn't get a chance to read it yet, I wrote a previous post explaining how you can "follow" my blog and also "subscribe" to receive email notification of new posts, if you're interested.  The first option just lets me and other readers know that you like the blog and the second option is pretty self-explanatory.  So, if you've taken the time to do either of those things (or both!) then thank you! 

Until next time...

~ Dori


Ashley said...

Great post Dori! I love the creative building they are doing! Engineers and architects perhaps??? We will be enjoying the football games as well this weekend!!! The Colts game last weekend WAS a bummer...



Mary said...

Thanks for brightening our dreary winter evening. Marvin enjoyed the pictures, too!
Love, Mary

Elizabeth said...

3 months, really? Where does the time go? I won't even go into the NINE years! Great pics!

Gail said...

Benjamin is so cute, and looks so happy. I see the boys are still being their creative selves. Thomas looks so engrossed in his work. We really enjoy the pictures, and hearing about what is going on.