Friday, April 22, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

Welcome back to Fun Photo Friday!

That would be me working on this blog post (extremely flattering photo courtesy of husband).  I really do enjoy working on it more than this picture depicts.

There. That's better.  Except that he still got me without any makeup on.  But, let's face it - you're all looking at the baby and not at me.  I hope.

I hope you enjoyed last week's Special Edition in celebration of Benjamin turning six months old.  Especially considering all I really have to share with you this week are more pictures of the baby.  Well, okay, not entirely.  I managed to get pictures of all the boys in action, but when I was uploading them to this blog I realized that a lot of them are of the older boys interacting with their baby brother. 

Benjamin spends most of his time just watching them.

He really looks up to them.  Literally.

I like the look on Benjamin's face - "Uh - are we okay with this? Should the kid who's not much bigger than me really be in charge of holding me?"

Other than lots of playing with the baby, what have we been up to? Well, the older boys made kites at their last Cub Scout meeting.  And then spent a fair amount of time running around the muddy yard flying them.  During the small windows of time when it hasn't been raining, that is. 

Maybe we could put that snow shovel away now.  Maybe.  

We also did some baking this week.  We've gotten to a point where Michael can follow a basic recipe from start to finish all on his own.

Of course he usually gets some help from his brothers.

I am always available for the tasting and sampling.

We've all had a cold for the last week or so which slowed us down considerably.  The boys were all coughing their heads off on Sunday, so they missed the big Pinewood Derby.   Considering how little it upset them, I think they really weren't feeling well.  We had pizza and a family Wii tournament that night in an attempt to do something fun. 

Of course there's been plenty of time spent building with Legos, too.  Michael used his allowance to buy a new set.  I think it's a pretty good replica of the cabin on a lake that Kevin and I will spend retirement in. 

Love the guy inside just hanging out eating chicken legs.  

Well, I think that wraps up another Fun Photo Friday.  Next week Michael and Thomas start Tae Kwon Do classes.  They're a little unsure about it, but there will be a number of their friends taking the class so I'm pretty sure they'll have a good time.  And maybe gain some coordination in the process.  They also have a scout meeting where they'll be learning to cook, so I'm pretty sure they'll enjoy that too.  

Hope you have a Happy Easter!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Sleeping baby pics are the best! Hope everyone is feeling better now!