Friday, April 8, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

Quick show of hands if you can relate to being this tired right now (*raising hand*)? Nothing particularly exciting happened around here this week. The drab, rainy weather seemed to just suck all of the energy out of us. 

Well, maybe not all of us.

Benjamin is in what we refer to as the "reaching and grabbing" phase. This curiosity can be painful sometimes, depending on what he's grabbing and whether or not his little daggers nails have been recently cut.

He's especially fond of faces.

Even the stuffed variety.

I was pretty happy to discover that I had a picture with all four of the boys in it.  Even if they are making interesting faces.

This is the kind of thing I often find in my bedroom on a rainy day.  I like how both ends of Bella are sticking out of the bunched up blankets.  

Yep. Lots of lazing around this week.

At least they're usually reading. 

Or not.

Poor Matthew really needs a good night's sleep! Kevin and Michael are working on an online/offline environmental disaster mystery game called Vanished.  It's through the Smithsonian and MIT and is a "game for middle-school children meant to inspire engagement and problem solving through science." You can read more about it here.

No, Michael isn't in middle school just yet, but that's the beauty of homeschooling - we can take advantage of all available opportunities to encourage the boys' unique interests. So far it is pretty challenging for him, but that's why we're making it a father and son activity.  We have some other people we could probably call on if Michael needs more help (ahem. Uncle Chris). 

Next week is Cub Scouts again and the boys will be making kites. I know they're going to really enjoy that.  Some of their activities, like PSR class (Parish School of Religion) are winding down, but they may be starting some new things soon, like Tae Kwon Do!  The district Pinewood Derby race is coming up too, so I think they'll be spending some time tweaking their cars this week.  

So, stayed tuned.  I have a couple of posts planned in the upcoming weeks, aside from the regular Friday post, so you may want to consider "following" this blog or subscribing to the emails, if you don't already, so that you don't miss out on new, quality reading material. 

I hope you have a great weekend!

~ Dori


Unknown said...

Boy, Tae Kwon Do sounds more fun than PSR! ;-)

Happy to help with Vanished!

-- Uncle Chris (the physics one)

Elizabeth said...

Don't you just want to be Bella for a day... just hide under any and all blankets...