Friday, April 1, 2011

Fun Photo Friday

Happy April! There will be no April Fool's jokes in this blog post, since I'm really just not clever enough at the moment.  My brain has usually turned to mush by Friday, so it's rather unfortunate that it's also the day I have committed to doing a regular blog post.  I guess that's where the pictures come in!

No, we're not in the habit of letting the baby hang upside down - he simply wrenches himself into that position any chance he gets.   He's been doing that from the moment he could.  If you read my last blog post, then you may be wondering how the solid food introduction is going.  

Basically, a couple of times a day I cram as many spoonfuls of rice cereal into his mouth as I can, while he spits it all back out.  We end up with cereal everywhere but in his little tummy.  It's a fun new addition to my day. I do think he's starting to come around on the whole thing, though.

  Benjamin's foray into solid food was probably the most exciting event around here this week.  We had a break from Cub Scouts, art class,  gym and play dates this week, so it was pretty uneventful. We've all stayed busy around the house with a big family project, though. We're trying to clean out all of the junk we don't need anymore - there's so much!  I'm looking forward to a less-cluttered house - it's just hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel just yet. 

The boys have managed to entertain themselves, of course.  Thomas was putting on a little show with Lego Star Wars characters for his brothers - it was pretty funny.  

They still spend much of their time building, though.  This week they were really into using K'nex to bring their building imaginations to life.  

Michael is happy to have more display area in his room thanks to some cleaning up and rearranging of things.  

They always find time each day to play with their littlest brother, too. They actually argue over whose turn it is to hold him.  

He's one loved little guy.  

Benjamin has been doing a lot of reaching and grabbing lately.  He's working on sitting up on his own, but is still most content rolling around on his play mat with his toys. 

Bella has been doing LOTS of lounging in the sunshine. 

Sometimes one child in particular likes to join her.

  We had a good coating of snow a couple of days ago with more in the forecast, so spring hasn't completely sprung just yet.  I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to being able to throw open the windows and get outside more soon.

I'll leave you with a video of what we refer to in our family as "the Matthew Dance."  He usually does it with more enthusiasm, but he knew I was taping him.  He's definitely the most naturally musical of the boys, so far, so maybe he'll be my dancer? Or maybe not.  He's dancing to the Wii Sports music, by the way.  

I hope you had a great week!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Matthew and Bella have the right idea! Bring on the sun!

Maybe sweet potatoes will be his choice!

Sweet, sweet brothers!

Happy Friday!