Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Dao of Matthew

Some of the most insightful things come from the mouth of our four year old.  We usually have a good laugh when he decides to share his words of wisdom with us. 

"Mommy, I can play two games at the same time because I can multi-task."

(In reference to his older brothers) "They always don't let me see everything!"

"Hurting people won't get you anyfing."

(In reference to the game Clue) "I think Yellow did it with himself in the library."

"I like the ipad cuz it has the most apps."

"My favorite planet is Erf."

"But I'm not that cozy!"

"Guns are good because you can blast open doors instead of just opening them."

(In reference to having an accident in his pants - warning - potty language to follow) "Sometimes the poopies trick me." To which his daddy replied, "Well, kiddo, you need to be smarter than the poopies." Oy.  I was in the corner laughing uncontrollably.

 Those were just some things that I thought to write down recently.  Which makes me think that future posts will be necessary so as to capture the full extent of his powers of observation.  

Oh, how we love the Matthew!

~ Dori

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

He is one funny kid! Why would I just open the door when I can blast it open?! So much more exciting! That one and the poopie one really cracked me up... oh, and the Clue comment. Hehe! :)