Friday, September 23, 2011

More Dao of Matthew

While this week's post is all about the funny things that come out of the mouth of our five-year old, the quote of the week was from the seven-year old (talking to the five-year old):

"In Cub Scouts you use knives and hammers and things. In Girl Scouts you probably make butterflies or something."

If you'd like to read the first "Dao of Matthew" you can find that here.  And, because he is a fountain of hilarity, here's some more.


"Very dangerous mice live in the house in my mind. They poke you."

"I hate having to stop doing one thing before I can start doing another thing."

"I'm never going to not like legos. I'm going to stay on liking legos."

"No baby can be cuter than Benjamin." 

In response to the question what are you hungry for?

"Anything but not the icky stuff."

"This phone slash camera isn't just's a phone slash camera slash light saber!"

"Short sleeve pants aren't good because you can get owies on your knees."

"Some people live in our neighborhood. Some people live in other neighborhoods."

In reference to an amount of food, usually dessert...

"That was very short!"

"I'm doing a good job on the clean part."

"But I hate just sitting in the bathroom all alone!"

Thank you, dear Matthew for all your words of wisdom.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL funny!! Love & Hugs, Uncle Tom & Aunt Lill