Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Quick Takes

~ 1 ~
I think I may have used up all of my good pictures of the boys in last week's post and therefore these may be very quick "quick takes." I'm also having trouble with my camera cord which is making uploading and editing images rather frustrating.

When I am successful in getting pictures from the camera to the computer, I usually find some interesting images. Such as this one:

 And this one:

I believe those were some Clone Troopers catching the bus.  I have no idea how they ended up on my camera.

~ 2 ~ 
Fall activities are starting up again.  The boys continue to enjoy their art class and I love the things they bring home.

A million dollars for the person who guesses the artist behind the above piece? 

Except that, obviously, I don't have a million dollars. Or even five. So I'll just tell you that it's Thomas' creation! I really want to find some inexpensive frames to hang some more of their art on the walls.  It's just one of those projects that keeps getting pushed farther and farther down the "to-do" list. 

~ 3 ~
 Cub Scouts has also started back up again. Michael and Thomas are in different groups this year and I think that will be really good for them. 

~ 4 ~ 
Benjamin finally had his 9 month checkup.  

Yes, he just turned 11 months old. Usually I don't have any problem getting an appointment a couple weeks in advance, but between everyone getting their back-to-school physicals and our being out of town, his appointment didn't happen until now. But, he's a very healthy, happy little guy. The doctor is concerned that he's a little TOO little, but she can tell that he's obviously healthy and active.  I did start trying out the cup with him recently, in anticipation of weaning him in the near future.  He isn't opposed to drinking out of the cup, but he's not entirely convinced that he really wants to go that route.  Yet. He'll figure it out.

~ 5 ~ 
Life is much easier now that "Red Thunder" is back in action. That would be my husband's truck. 

He's pretty happy to be reunited with it and not sharing my van. We got it fixed just in time for all the running around that fall brings.  

~ 6 ~

This basket of laundry waiting to be folded has kept Benjamin entertained for most of the time I've been working on this blog post. 

At some point he decided that the clothes weren't enough and he added some dog toys to the mix.

~ 7 ~
 My new website is going strong!

I've had a lot of positive feedback from the homeschooling community and just a couple weeks after I launched it I have over 1600 pageviews! I think that's good. Please don't tell me if it isn't. You can check it out at clevelandhomeschooler and please pass it along to anyone you know of who has an interest in homeschooling. I also have a Facebook page that you can "like" and get updates on new posts that way or you can subscribe to the site by email or RSS feed.

I hope you're enjoying the beautiful fall weather! Have a great weekend!

~ Dori

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