Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holidays and Sacraments

This was how I found Benjamin napping one day recently.  It doesn't look terribly comfortable.

Anyway. We're back! No, we didn't physically go anywhere, but we've been a bit out of touch for the last two weeks.  As most of you know, a stomach flu hit our family and it was uh-gly! But everyone is fine now!  Kevin and I were somehow spared the worst of it, but if I could have traded places with the boys I would have - they were soooooo miserable.  They've never been sick like that so it was a bit traumatic.   Poor Benjamin even had a brief visit to the hospital because he was quickly getting dehydrated. 

Fortunately, appetites were starting to return in time for Thanksgiving.  We had a nice, quiet day at home that included a scrumptious ham dinner.

Which I somehow forgot to take any pictures of. I must have been too hungry. 

Benjamin was REALLY interested in everything that was happening in the kitchen! And my talented husband can cook a delicious meal even with a baby strapped to himself. 

It seemed safer than having the baby underfoot.

Our only real venture out of the house recently was to support Thomas in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  

He did a great job and was so proud of himself!

We decided that ice cream was a good treat for after First Confession.  

That's pretty much all we've been up to around here.  Now we're working on putting up Christmas decorations and getting back to school work and other activities. 

Just to remind everyone, I also post things on my other website, so you may want to check in there from time to time. Especially if there isn't anything posted here for awhile and you just want to make sure we're still alive or something.  You can also subscribe to that site if you want to be informed when there's a new post.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 
~ Dori

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