Friday, November 4, 2011


I love fall. Is it strange that I get a little sad when noticing that the trees have just about lost all their leaves? 

Fortunately, we did not have the rainy weather that was predicted for Halloween.  The boys had really been looking forward to trick-or-treating. I also spent most of Monday sewing like a mad woman to finish a crucial piece to Michael's costume.

He decided a few months ago that he wanted to be Indiana Jones and I think his costume turned out really well! We bought the jacket and whip, I made the satchel and we had the rest. 

Thomas made a last minute decision to be a firefighter - fine with me since we already had the costume!

Matthew opted for the pumpkin shirt after briefly considering dressing as Buzz Lightyear.

Benjamin's ghost shirt was mostly covered up during our trick-or-treating walk, since it was pretty cold outside, but his cuteness was still noticed by everyone we encountered.

We had great weekend of pumpkin carving, hot apple cider drinking, pumpkin pie baking and of course trick-or-treating! I really wish fall could last just a little longer. 


The boys are very excited about winter, though (I know, strange). In the car the other day they were even telling a friend of theirs about what they plan to make (build) in the snow this year. At least they're looking forward to it. 

This weekend we have a HUGE surprise for them - Lego Fest is in Cleveland! We have tickets for Sunday but are waiting to tell the boys until the last minute. I can not wait to see the looks on their little faces! 

So I will share pictures of that very soon. 

Have a great weekend and enjoy these last beautiful days of fall!

~ Dori

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