Saturday, October 27, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up #2

Anyone else trying desperately to cling to fall?  I cringe as I see Christmas decorations and holiday ads moving their way into stores and onto t.v. Don't get me wrong, I love the Christmas season, but it's OCTOBER for peat's sake. So around here we'll continue to relish these remaining days of fall, thankyouverymuch. 

This week we finally made some progress with our Book of Centuries. This is an idea that I've been wanting to put into action for awhile now, especially since I read more about it in one of Maureen Wittmann's books.  I think it was "For the Love of Literature," since that's the latest book of hers that I read. It's an idea that's cropped up in many things I've read, though, so I was excited to finally get ours started.

A Book of Centuries is basically a history timeline in book form.  I'm using the Free Book of Centuries Printable Timeline from R.C. History (there's B.C. and A.D.), along with Ancient History Timeline Cards. Of course, we'll also add other things as we go along, depending on the activities we do as we study each period of history.

I printed the cards out, then sorted them by what we've already studied and what we're currently studying and then the boys added those to the book. We mostly follow a Classical Method in our homeschooling, so we are studying history chronologically, starting at the very beginning. I think our Book of Centuries will be a great way to record what we've learned and to also provide a visual and (hopefully) thorough book of information that the boys will enjoy reviewing.

History and Religion are subjects that we do all together, but I do some separate lessons and activities with Matthew, too, since he's only in First Grade. This week, we talked about angels and he made a Guardian Angel prayer card and practiced saying the prayer. Which reminds me that I promised him I would laminate it for him.

I know, ANY excuse to laminate something!

This week we had a Cub Scout meeting and my Bear Den joined the Webelo Den to listen to a talk and demonstration from the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. They talked all about how they test the water quality of the different areas here in our part of Ohio and we also learned about fish and bug habits.

We carried on the water theme back at home for our science this week. We did three of the activities from our Magic School Bus kit about water, the first one being to test whether different objects will sink or float.  The boys quickly determined that the metal objects sank and the wood and plastic objects floated. Then we talked about how a large metal object, like a submarine, can float. Using a coffee can and a tube, the boys took turns blowing air into the can to demonstrate how this happens.

Then we came inside and tested how well different substances would dissolve in water.

Needless to say, the boys had fun and thoroughly enjoyed learning new things about water. We'll do the rest of the kit next week.

In a moment of genius/desperation, I got out the play-doh to keep the toddler happy and quiet. "Genius" because it actually worked and "desperate" because, well, it's play-doh.  So I think I'll keep this as a during-school-time-only activity. 

Whatever works, right?

This book was a bargain find on one of my Half Price Books shopping sprees - it was $1.00! It even included Presidents and States flash cards (which, of course, I laminated).

We've also been talking about the upcoming election. Michael has watched all of the debates and Thomas stayed awake for two of them. Kevin and I have enjoyed hearing the insightful analysis of an eight and ten year old!

We've used the related BrainPop videos (LOVE BrainPop!) to learn about topics like the Presidential Election, Branches of the Government,  and Political Parties. The Scholastic site also has information and activities for kids that I hope to explore more with the boys. I understand that the Electoral Challenge Game is especially helpful in clearing up the confusing topic of the Electoral College for kids (and, uh, some of us adults). I also ordered this book, on the recommendation of others, and we'll be using it more next week to continue our discussion.

That about sums up our week. The more interesting parts, anyway. Since I know you don't want to hear about the MOUNTAIN of laundry I tackle every day, or the unspeakable messes I have to clean due to having children, pets and a husband.  On my fun list of "to-dos" for the weekend? Tackle the seasonal changes in clothing. I started this project last weekend, became quickly overwhelmed and left it. Which was fine, since we ended up having beautiful weather this week. But, it really is time to dig out the long-sleeves now.

Hope you had a great week! 

~ Dori


Friday, October 19, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up

Their reward for a full, successful week of school (by "successful" I mean that most of what was planned actually got finished and without much grumbling along the way).  They are all snuggled up together watching a movie ("Veggie Tales; Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella"). We learned all about Noah's Ark this week for religion, so I thought this was an appropriate, silly movie to go along with that theme.

Which brings me to our Weekly Wrap-Up. This is something that I want to try and make a regular thing (I know, I know, it's not like I have a lot of "free" time. I said "try"). I think that taking the time to reflect on our week and post about it will benefit me and the boys, since we'll end up with a nice record, with pictures, of what we've done.  And I hope that it benefits friends and family who are curious about what, exactly, we do all week. Don't worry, I won't go into every detail about every little thing, as that would be exhausting for me and very boring for you. I plan to simply include the highlights of our week, and may, in the near future have the boys contribute to writing posts. 

Comments are welcome (always good to know that somebody is reading!).

This week we celebrated this beautiful season of fall (and a birthday!). We took the dogs for a walk on the nice weather days, did a leaf craft (you can read more about that here), baked apple pumpkin muffins (using this recipe), and visited nearby Patterson Fruit Farm.

As I already mentioned, we talked about Noah's Ark this week for some of our religion study. This year I'm using the Faith and Life series (currently grade 4) for all the boys and Religion 1 (Seton) and Catholic Mosaics for Matthew.  We start each week by listening to the chapter all together from, then we continue with reading the corresponding stories from the Catholic Children's Bible and working through the lessons throughout the rest of the week.

We're also enjoying the Catholic Mosaics book, which I had never heard of until recently. I managed to snag a copy of it from another homeschooling mom and am mainly using it with Matthew, (first grade) but all the boys end up listening to the story, of course! What I like is that it's broken down by months and gives reading selections based on the liturgical year. It also coordinates with the Seton Art 1 book that I already had, for some hands-on activities. This week, we talked about St. Francis, since we were out of town for his feast day on the 4th, reading from the book The Good Man of Assisi.

Michael even won a prize at his last Cub Scout meeting for memorizing AND reciting IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE the Prayer to St. Francis.  He actually VOLUNTEERED to do it! As someone who shares the very common fear of public speaking, I was most impressed.

Another project that we've been working on together is reading Farmer Boy, by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and making a sort of lapbook, using these (free!) printables.  I think this has a been a good book to start with, of the Little House series, because the story focuses on nine year old, Alanzo.  All the boys are enjoying reading it together. And thanks to a recent field trip to Century Village Museum, the boys are finding they can more easily picture what life was really like at this time.  

We've also been continuing with our "Calendar Connections," an idea that I got from this website.   We started this back in August and we've all been learning a lot! Basically, each month you follow a different theme and print out cards with pictures and information for each day, to be used in a pocket calendar.  So far we've done Botany, Astronomy and currently The Arctic and Antarctica and the boys love it. They remind me every day to do the card, which we usually discuss at dinner.  We've also tied in other subjects with it as we're able, such as covering any corresponding chapters from our science book (Behold and See Science) and using our Magic School Bus science kits (more on those later). I also pull out/check out any books related to the theme and have those handy in our book basket for the boys to browse.

But what does the toddler do while we're in full school mode during the day? Well, this was a challenge this year, now that he only naps once a day after lunch.  I quickly realized that he did NOT like it when the rest of us were working at the dining table together and he was left alone down on the floor.  And I could only keep him happy in the high chair near us for so long (he is a VERY busy little guy!). 

So, we brought school down to his level!  I bought each of the boys a lap desk and during the time when Benjamin is awake and we're trying to get something accomplished, the boys enjoy doing their work on the floor.  This has worked really well.  Thank God.  I'm also glad that I thought to buy the little guy his own desk, because I don't think this plan would be nearly as successful without it.

Yes, he's "praying."

In other news:

  • Maybe, our turtle, is still alive. Yes, I am surprised, given that none of us have a clue as to how to care for a turtle. Obviously, we're learning. 
  • One night when I let the dogs outside a possum scared the *%#! out of me. Fortunately, the dogs were not harmed (Bella cornered it under the sand table before I realized exactly what was happening). My irrational fear was heightened because, at that time, my husband and I were in the middle of watching a movie wherein Liam Neeson and some other guys are stranded in the middle of Alaska after their plane crashes and they're trying to survive being attacked by enormous and overly-aggressive wolves. 
  • I've decided that I want to be more of a tea drinker and could use suggestions on good books or resources about this topic - anyone? 
  • Aren't you glad I shared all of that with you?

That sums up our week! Next week is a Cub Scout meeting, covering the upcoming election (once a book I ordered arrives) and starting a new art curriculum (hopefully).  We'll see how it all goes!

Have a great weekend!

~ Dori

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Baby Ben Turns Two!

The littlest guy turned two over the weekend. These two years have definitely gone by fast! As any mom can relate, one minute you're gazing upon your tiny, newborn bundle of joy and then you blink and they've become this walking, talking, active little person.

We celebrated Benjamin's birthday on two separate days. First, there was some present opening...


Then there was much playing with his new things...

The Fisher Price Garage was a big hit...

After a brief trip to the playground, on account of rain, the little guy got to pick out a cake. He, of course, chose an ice cream cake...

He ate one and a half pieces...

Before our outing, we did the Ceremonial Turning Around of the Car Seat (you have to wait until they're two, now!)...

He seems to like his new perspective on things.

Benjamin also spent some quality time talking to his turtle, while his older brothers cleaned out her tank (he LOVES Maybe)...

The best part of his birthday adventure was two days later, when the whole family spent the afternoon at Patterson Fruit Farm for their Family Fall Fest.  Benjamin LOVES to be outside, so we thought he'd really enjoy the enormous outdoor play area at the Fruit Farm.

 We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful, picture-perfect fall day.  And, as we suspected, Benjamin had a great time enjoying everything with his big brothers...

Waiting for tractor-pulled wagon ride out to the playground...

First up was pumpkin painting...

Then there was much to explore, including corn mazes (one kid-size, one for bigger kids), things to ride, playing in the sandbox, sliding down the 50 ft. slide (with big brother), climbing in the tree fort and building with hay...

 It was such a wonderful way to spend the day! As you can see, we're pretty sure the Birthday Boy had the time of his life.

 We look forward to the new adventures of having a two a year old in the house once again...

On behalf of Benjamin, thank you for all the birthday wishes!!!

~ Dori