Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

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I have recently been wasting a lot of time reading researching the world of blogs. This got me thinking about starting my own blog. And if you're actually reading this then congratulations! It means I like you enough to have invited you to be a part of my blogging journey.

The purpose of this blog is to share the adventures of life here in our neck of the woods. Since we live so far from a lot of our family and friends I thought that this might be a good way to keep everyone updated on what the boys and I have been up to. I can post pictures, etc... and even those of you not on Facebook (you know who you are) can have access. Please leave comments so that I know that A) someone is reading this and 2) I know what you think about it! If I can take the time to write and post pictures then you can take the time to leave a comment. I'm just sayin'. we go! I'll start with some basics that most of you will already know - an introduction to our family, if you will. Life these days finds me mothering four - yes, FOUR boys. Michael is 8 (almost 9!), Thomas is now 6, Matthew 4 and of course little Benjamin is just 2 months. Living with all of these boys currently means living in a house FULL of legos. Hence the title of the blog. Also, the boys helped me name the blog. It was much better than some of their other suggestions, trust me.

Most of our days consist of homeschooling, playing with legos, avoiding housework, playing with legos and enjoying all that life here in Cleveland has to offer. The last three months or so have been consumed with all things baby, but we are now better able to see through the fog of sleep-deprivation. And so we are looking forward to picking up where we left off with our school and getting out and about more with our various activities.

So, stay tuned as more adventures unfold. I am glad you are here!

~ Dori


Mary said...

Hi Dori,
Just wanted to let you know I read your BLOG. Great idea! I will look forward to reading any future blogs (?)....nor sure of the terminology.

Megs said...

I'm reading!

Elizabeth said...

What a fun surprise to get the invite and kudos for taking the time to create your blog! I look forward to reading each and every entry!

Elizabeth Glenn said...

Im readin! Welcome to blogging! ;)I can relate to the house full of legos, although I have only the one boy and my daughter. lol! I didn't know you homeschooled. So many people in my area do that too. What made you decide to go that route? Are the school systems there not very good? Depending on certain areas here, they are not, so that is why folks ehre choose it. Anyways...great read, look forward to reading more!

Dori said...

Thanks for the comments - I appreciate the encouragement!

Unknown said...

Reading it!

Unknown said...

Hi Dori. Cute Blog! I enjoy your writing style and am looking forward to reading more. Thanks for the invite!

Dori said...

Thanks Aunt Lill!